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Сообщение Re[4]: Гигантский_астероид + нефть = вымирание_динозавров от 18.07.2016 10:59

Изменено 18.07.2016 11:05 Lazytech

Здравствуйте, TMU_1, Вы писали:

TMU>Если совсем кратко:

TMU>смена видов шла полным ходом и до пресловутого астероида, смена, скажем, флоры на кайнозойскую произошла за несколько миллионов лет до того и с точки зрения палеоботаников во времена астероида не произошло ровно ничего. Астероид и сопутствующие ужасы могли послужить последним толчком, ускорителем процесса, но в целом все развивалось по законам сложной биологической системы.

В статье утвержается обратное:

The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event was severe, wiping out over 75% of all species, including not just dinosaurs but also many birds, mammals, snakes, lizards, plants, and even insects. It was global, hitting all continents and all oceans. And it was rapid, with species seeming to vanish overnight.

То есть, если верить авторам гипотезы, ни о каких миллионах лет речи не идет. В статье также упоминается критика астероидной гипотезы Альвареса:

In 1979, physicist Luis Alvarez was trying to figure out just how much time the extinction took. He focused on a thin layer of clay – the K-Pg boundary – that marked the extinction. His clever idea was to look at iridium levels in the boundary clay. Iridium is a rare metal found primarily in meteorites, so the slow trickle of iridium from meteorites burning up in the atmosphere should act as a sort of cosmic hourglass, telling the passing of time.

His plan backfired spectacularly: iridium levels in the clay were orders of magnitude above the normal background levels. The K-Pg boundary was the debris of a giant asteroid impact. A few calculations suggested that it would take an asteroid 10 kilometres across to produce all that iridium. The idea that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs was widely ridiculed – but then, in 1990, the giant Chicxulub crater in Mexico was discovered.

Далее там говорится об обнаружении сажи в слое, соответствующем переходу от мелового периода к палеогену:

A new study by Kunio Kaiho and colleagues published in the journal Scientific Reports suggests a possible explanation. The K-Pg boundary contains soot. Although originally thought to be produced by wildfires, studies of its chemistry suggest that it is actually derived from burning hydrocarbons (crude oil). This fact seems puzzling until you consider that the Gulf of Mexico contains vast oil reserves. The Jurassic Cantarell oil field, the largest in Mexico, is nearby and, in fact, the Chicxulub crater was only discovered because geologists were mapping the area in search of oil.

As the Chicxulub asteroid tore into the earth, it released the oil locked in the rock. The Deepwater Horizon spill produced 4.9 million barrels of oil from just a tiny hole in the ocean floor. The Chicxulub crater was 180 kilometers across. The intense heat of the impact would have burned the oil to create clouds of black soot and shot them into the stratosphere. Critically, tiny soot particles can stay up in the atmosphere for years. But was there enough to block out the sun?

The researchers from Tohoku University in Japan studied the chemistry of soot at the K-Pg boundary and then estimated the amount of soot produced by impact. The total burned carbon produced was on the order of 1.8 to 60 billion tons.

В частности, оценка количества сажи, образовавшейся при горении нефти — от 1,8 до 60 млрд т.

P.S. Особо выделю одно место:

The K-Pg boundary contains soot. Although originally thought to be produced by wildfires, studies of its chemistry suggest that it is actually derived from burning hydrocarbons (crude oil).

То есть химический анализ показал, что сажа, найденная в указанном слое, образовалась при сгорании углеводородов (нефти), а не в результате лесных пожаров, как первоначально предполагалось.
Re[4]: Гигантский_астероид + нефть = вымирание_динозавров
Здравствуйте, TMU_1, Вы писали:

TMU>Если совсем кратко:

TMU>смена видов шла полным ходом и до пресловутого астероида, смена, скажем, флоры на кайнозойскую произошла за несколько миллионов лет до того и с точки зрения палеоботаников во времена астероида не произошло ровно ничего. Астероид и сопутствующие ужасы могли послужить последним толчком, ускорителем процесса, но в целом все развивалось по законам сложной биологической системы.

В статье утверждается обратное:

The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction event was severe, wiping out over 75% of all species, including not just dinosaurs but also many birds, mammals, snakes, lizards, plants, and even insects. It was global, hitting all continents and all oceans. And it was rapid, with species seeming to vanish overnight.

То есть, если верить авторам гипотезы, ни о каких миллионах лет речи не идет. В статье также упоминается критика астероидной гипотезы Альвареса:

In 1979, physicist Luis Alvarez was trying to figure out just how much time the extinction took. He focused on a thin layer of clay – the K-Pg boundary – that marked the extinction. His clever idea was to look at iridium levels in the boundary clay. Iridium is a rare metal found primarily in meteorites, so the slow trickle of iridium from meteorites burning up in the atmosphere should act as a sort of cosmic hourglass, telling the passing of time.

His plan backfired spectacularly: iridium levels in the clay were orders of magnitude above the normal background levels. The K-Pg boundary was the debris of a giant asteroid impact. A few calculations suggested that it would take an asteroid 10 kilometres across to produce all that iridium. The idea that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs was widely ridiculed – but then, in 1990, the giant Chicxulub crater in Mexico was discovered.

Далее там говорится об обнаружении сажи в слое, соответствующем переходу от мелового периода к палеогену:

A new study by Kunio Kaiho and colleagues published in the journal Scientific Reports suggests a possible explanation. The K-Pg boundary contains soot. Although originally thought to be produced by wildfires, studies of its chemistry suggest that it is actually derived from burning hydrocarbons (crude oil). This fact seems puzzling until you consider that the Gulf of Mexico contains vast oil reserves. The Jurassic Cantarell oil field, the largest in Mexico, is nearby and, in fact, the Chicxulub crater was only discovered because geologists were mapping the area in search of oil.

As the Chicxulub asteroid tore into the earth, it released the oil locked in the rock. The Deepwater Horizon spill produced 4.9 million barrels of oil from just a tiny hole in the ocean floor. The Chicxulub crater was 180 kilometers across. The intense heat of the impact would have burned the oil to create clouds of black soot and shot them into the stratosphere. Critically, tiny soot particles can stay up in the atmosphere for years. But was there enough to block out the sun?

The researchers from Tohoku University in Japan studied the chemistry of soot at the K-Pg boundary and then estimated the amount of soot produced by impact. The total burned carbon produced was on the order of 1.8 to 60 billion tons.

В частности, оценка количества сажи, образовавшейся при горении нефти — от 1,8 до 60 млрд т.

P.S. Особо выделю одно место:

The K-Pg boundary contains soot. Although originally thought to be produced by wildfires, studies of its chemistry suggest that it is actually derived from burning hydrocarbons (crude oil).

То есть химический анализ показал, что сажа, найденная в указанном слое, образовалась при сгорании углеводородов (нефти), а не в результате лесных пожаров, как первоначально предполагалось.