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Сообщение [youtube, English] Как там говаривал покойный Задорнов... от 04.05.2020 14:17

Изменено 05.05.2020 16:51 Lazytech

[youtube, English] Как там говаривал покойный Задорнов...

Справедливости ради сообщаю, что эта тема, возможно, утратила актуальность.
Education Site Names Jay Leno 'Educator of the Year for 2008'

Analytics Tracking — Video
Improve-Education.org declares that Jay Leno -- via his Tonight Show segment called JAYWALKING -- has rendered an invaluable service by raising the public's awareness of how sloppily educated many Americans are, and proving dramatically that schools must do a better job. Jay Leno is therefore named Educator of the Year for 2008.

[youtube, English] Как там говаривал покойный Задорнов...

Справедливости ради сообщаю, что эта тема, возможно, утратила актуальность.
Education Site Names Jay Leno 'Educator of the Year for 2008'

Analytics Tracking — Video
Improve-Education.org declares that Jay Leno -- via his Tonight Show segment called JAYWALKING -- has rendered an invaluable service by raising the public's awareness of how sloppily educated many Americans are, and proving dramatically that schools must do a better job. Jay Leno is therefore named Educator of the Year for 2008.

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