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Сообщение Re[2]: Морковка - фрукт от 02.02.2018 7:53

Изменено 02.02.2018 7:59 Lazytech

Re[2]: Морковка - фрукт
Здравствуйте, Pzz, Вы писали:

Pzz>Смешно. А можно пруф, что это в самом деле так, а не байка?

Гуглится же: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/GA/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32001L0113

P.S. Вроде в Австралии помидоры традиционно относят к фруктам.

P.P.S. Нашел книгу на английском: Agricultural English — Google Books

Indeed, under European Union trade rules, a carrot is defined as a “fruit”, presumably because fruits are taxed at a higher duty and carrot jam is a popular Portuguese dish (according to www.gardenerskitchen.co.uk).

Re[2]: Морковка - фрукт
Здравствуйте, Pzz, Вы писали:

Pzz>Смешно. А можно пруф, что это в самом деле так, а не байка?

Гуглится же: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/GA/ALL/?uri=CELEX:32001L0113

P.S. Вроде в Австралии помидоры традиционно относят к фруктам.

P.P.S. Нашел книгу на английском: Agricultural English — Google Books

Indeed, under European Union trade rules, a carrot is defined as a “fruit”, presumably because fruits are taxed at a higher duty and carrot jam is a popular Portuguese dish (according to www.gardenerskitchen.co.uk).

P.P.P.S. Нашел еще информацию на украинском сайте: IMPAK — traditions and innovations

We were taught from little up, that a carrot is a vegetable

We were taught from little up, that a carrot is a vegetable. However in 1991 European Union adopted the special decision which a carrot became in obedience to. by a fruit! Portuguese appeared in such innovation «guilty». They very love a carrot jam, which is not only eaten but also export on all Europe. And on the European laws, cooking and jams can be made only out of fruit. But deprived from Portugal Europeans did not want a carrot jam, and a carrot became a «fruit in a law». However, less useful she ot such renaming, fortunately, did not become.

Если что, мотороллер не мой.