LeaseWeb все
От: JustPassingBy  
Дата: 08.11.22 17:36
Вот такая бяка пришла от них. Нет упоминания о том, что происходит с деньгами, которые были уплачены по годовому контракту, у меня пара дедиков там истекает летом 2023 — они их "простят" интересно? Написал в саппорт, посмотрим, что будет.

Formal legal announcement for Termination of Services per 31 December 2022

Dear Customer,

Through this email, we would like to inform you of the following.

Taking into account the circumstances, developments, hardship and unrest and crisis in several regions including your country and based on your location, Leaseweb -at its good faith and its full discretion- has good reasons to fear and has reasonable doubts that the continuation of our services will not be supported by our Leaseweb KYC requirements.

This announcement to stop and withdraw from offering services in your country and location will be sent out by all Leaseweb Sales Entities under its B2B Terms and Conditions, Policies.

We appreciate you as a customer however, based on our way of doing business and Leaseweb’s duty of care principles, we hereby end our contractual relationship and will cease to provide services per 31 December 2022.

We hereby terminate your Services and Sales Contract per Contract End Date of 31 December 2022 taking in to account a reasonable notice period.

Upon this notice period, all your services will be automatically ceased and wiped at this termination data of 31 December 2022.

This timely formal notification allows you reasonable time to take steps for your back up and data migration and a possible transfer of your services.

Thank you for your attention, cooperation and understanding.

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