От: TailWind  
Дата: 01.03.22 02:21
Что-то я не очень понял
Русским продавать не будут?
Или русских продавцов отключат?

A new executive order was issued by the US Government regarding transactions in Russia. Based on the review conducted by Digital River, in order to comply with the executive order and Digital River’s own policies, we have determined that Digital River must immediately impose restrictions on sales relating to Russia and/or Russian purchasers. We will therefore block sales through our Denied Parties List (DPL) screening tool, prevent purchases from Russian bill-to/ship-to addresses, in addition to cards issued by a sanctioned bank, beginning on March 1, 2022.

It is Digital River’s legal obligation as Seller of Record, Exporter of Record, and as a U.S. Company to fully comply with all sanctions and embargoes administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) as well as complying with other denied parties screening requirements. In addition to maintaining compliance with U.S. sanctions, Digital River must also comply with other sanctions including those from the EU for Digital River Ireland and Digital River GmbH.

Digital River continually assesses its obligations for compliance under the law both internally and with outside counsel and does not sell into any country unless Digital River is able to strictly comply with all sanctions. Digital River’s policy on Russia was developed taking into account the severity and complexity of the new trade sanctions in those jurisdictions. Trade sanctions are subject to licensing or removal at the discretion of the U.S. government, and Digital River is able to re-evaluate sales to any country where a Client has an approved license or where sanctions have been lifted.

Digital River manages these new compliance requirements on your behalf, protecting your brand from transactions that would violate sanctions.

For further clarity on the executive order issued last week, February 21st, the White House has provided this fact sheet: FACT SHEET: Executive Order to Impose Costs for President Putin’s Action to Recognize So-Called Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics | The White House  

Digital River screens all newly generated recurring and non-recurring orders against the current Denied Party List (DPL) for fields including the bill-to and ship-to name, address lines, postal code, and country code. We do not rescreen customers until they submit new orders or subscriptions automatically recur. Compelling DPL matches result in a manual reviewer failing the DPL check, which cancels the order before processing or fulfillment. Any messaging to the user is vague and generic. For example, “Your order cannot be completed at this time.”

Our DPL definitions are updated daily and as such, will stay current as sanctions change over time.

For further details on our transaction screening process, click here. 

Many of the major payment processors and credit card organization have suspended processing of transactions in Rubles. We will continue to monitor the actions of our partners.

Given the evolving nature of the situation in the Ukraine, Digital River encourages clients, as well as payment and fulfillment partners, to connect with us ( in case of any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your business.

Your Digital River Team

Re: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: CreatorCray  
Дата: 01.03.22 02:29
Здравствуйте, TailWind, Вы писали:

TW>prevent purchases from Russian bill-to/ship-to addresses, in addition to cards issued by a sanctioned bank

Вроде ж довольно однозначно написано.
... << RSDN@Home 1.3.110 alpha 5 rev. 62>>
Re[2]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: Aleksid1  
Дата: 01.03.22 07:02
Пожалуйста напишите кто работает с Digital River им письмо с уточнением — касается ли это вендоров. Потому что это тревожная ситуация, которая может возникнуть и у других регистраторов.
Re: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: Евгений Музыченко Франция
Дата: 01.03.22 12:09
Здравствуйте, TailWind, Вы писали:

TW>Русским продавать не будут?

Да, поскольку им запретили транзакции с Россией. По факту те российские банки, что не попали под санкции, могут оплачивать карточные транзакции, но это штатовское распоряжение запрещает компаниям в них участвовать.

W>Или русских продавцов отключат?

Пока об этом речи не идет — слава богу, не все такие больные, как NameCheap.
Re[2]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: bnk СССР
Дата: 01.03.22 12:22
Здравствуйте, Евгений Музыченко, Вы писали:

ЕМ>Пока об этом речи не идет — слава богу, не все такие больные, как NameCheap.

Ну namecheap можно понять — у них один из основных офисов в Харькове, канонаду должно быть прямо из офиса слышно было, они и офигели
Ты сам-то как, планируешь преходить на уплату налогов во Франции, или?
Отредактировано 01.03.2022 12:32 bnk . Предыдущая версия . Еще …
Отредактировано 01.03.2022 12:31 bnk . Предыдущая версия .
Отредактировано 01.03.2022 12:23 bnk . Предыдущая версия .
Re[2]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: wantus  
Дата: 01.03.22 12:32
Здравствуйте, Евгений Музыченко, Вы писали:

ЕМ>Пока об этом речи не идет — слава богу, не все такие больные, как NameCheap.

У них большой офис в Харькове. По-крайней мере был.
Re[3]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: TailWind  
Дата: 01.03.22 16:31
A>Пожалуйста напишите кто работает с Digital River им письмо с уточнением — касается ли это вендоров. Потому что это тревожная ситуация, которая может возникнуть и у других регистраторов.

Thank you for your request.

Right now only sales to Russia are stopped. We continue our cooperation with clients from Russia.

Please understand that information is changing. Our Legal and Compliance Department are checking the updates. You will be informed on any changes applied via mailing.

Also please be informed that unfortunately we no longer can use the bank you have an account with to send payments to you.

You will need to provide bank details from another bank (please check if the bank is in a white list).

Due to new compliance requirements, please note that we will require your 'Ownership Data' before we will be able to update the payment information on your MyCommerce account. You can find details on the information that will be required by referring to the attached Due Diligence Information document. This will require you to provide the name, address, Tax ID, percentage of ownership (100% if you are the sole owner) and a scanned copy of your government issued ID (Driver's License, Passport, etc.).

In addition, we will need a redacted bank statement of the bank account you wish to use to receive your payments showing your name and address details.

Please upload all necessary documents in your Control Panel at “Products > File Management” and let us know once done.

After that information has been provided and reviewed by our team, your payment information will then be approved. Please note that the review will include a phone call to you in order to verify the details provided. Thus, please make sure to include a valid phone number in the Due Diligence Form that allows us to reach a known contact in your company.

Please note that this information will only be used for the purpose of verifying that you are the authorized owner for the company you have listed with your MyCommerce account.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this requirement. Thank you and have a great day.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Nataly Alshanskaya | Digital River | Customer Operations Specialist

Отредактировано 01.03.2022 16:35 TailWind . Предыдущая версия .
Re[3]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: Евгений Музыченко Франция
Дата: 01.03.22 17:37
Здравствуйте, bnk, Вы писали:

bnk>Ну namecheap можно понять — у них один из основных офисов в Харькове

Такое нельзя понять иначе, кроме как серьезное расстройство психики, несовместимое с ведением бизнеса. Лучше бы закрылись нах.

bnk>Ты сам-то как, планируешь преходить на уплату налогов во Франции, или?

Придется — на те 20%, что мне великодушно оставляет российская власть, мы во Франции не протянем. А если в текущих условиях стану доказывать, что нерезидент, могут возникнуть ненужные проблемы. Нехай лучше буду считаться резидентом, платить налоги/взносы с той части доходов, что приходит в российские банки, а жить буду на 80% от того, что мне оставит французская налоговая.
Re[4]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: TailWind  
Дата: 01.03.22 19:42
На вопрос, где найти white list банков прислали ссылку
Re[5]: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: TailWind  
Дата: 01.03.22 19:48
Пока просто отменил отправку переводов мне

Через пол года, когда всё устаканится выберу новый банк
А может и санкции снимут

Может и 80% продажи валютной выручки отменят
Отредактировано 01.03.2022 19:49 TailWind . Предыдущая версия .
Re: Digital River - RUSSIA SANCTIONS
От: TailWind  
Дата: 04.03.22 10:01
В Беларусь теперь тоже не продают

В другие страны продажи идут

New sanctions were announced yesterday directed toward Belarus, subjecting Belarus to the same sanctions that were imposed on Russia under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) effective February 24, 2022. The EAR rule on Belarus, effective today, March 3, 2022, can be reviewed here.

In line with the assessment and actions Digital River took last week on restricting sales relating to Russa and/or Russia purchasers, we will immediately begin restricting transactions in Belarus. We continue to block sales through our Denied Parties List (DPL) screening tool and will now also prevent purchases from Belarus bill-to/ship-to addresses.

Digital River manages these new compliance requirements on your behalf, protecting your brand from transactions that would violate sanctions.

For further details on our transaction screening process, click here.

Given the evolving nature of the situation in the Ukraine, Digital River encourages clients, as well as payment and fulfillment partners, to connect with us ( in case of any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your business.

Your Digital River Team

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