Проблемы с ShareIt. Выбор второго регистратора
От: .max Россия http://www.SWFmax.com/
Дата: 17.05.05 06:00
У одного пользователя из Венгрии возникли проблемы с регистрацией:

I have a mastercard which is used for several online purchases and which is valid and backed by money enough. In spite of my three trials to purchase Your software SHARE-It always indicated that my card was declined.
I asked them reason, but they did not inform me on this.
I repeat my card is valid, and I input the correct data, yet, I could not buy.

Возможно и у других есть проблемы — продаж нет некоторое время.

Давно собирался добавить второго регистратора, только не знаю какого. Мнение того же пользователя по этому вопросу:

I made a number of purchases using REGNOW. This service always worked.

Plumus is not known to me, and I dont have an personal experience with
Emetrix. Just as an other alternative, I dare recommend Digibuy, since
their service is also very fast and is without troubles.
In my opinion the problems with online purchases arise from the not really good forms which are to be submitted. As for me, there are cases when the forms do not cover the local specialties of inputting for example the address, or phone number, ZIP code, so on, and -in the end — the transaction is declined. At least, I think like this. It is sure that DigiBuy and Regnow are straight forward, having a good support, and do an excellent work.
In my rating DigiBuy is the best and takes the least time to fill the form for purchase.

Я пожалуй, склоняюсь к RegNow, как наиболее раскрученному и узнаваемому пользователями. Что посоветуете?
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