Re[4]: Seeking C#/ASP.Net Javascript guru with an eye for De
От: jim  
Дата: 20.12.11 14:20
Здравствуйте, DorfDepp, Вы писали:

DD>Здравствуйте, jim, Вы писали:

jim>>Any advice on tags would be appreciated. Thanks and Good Luck!

DD>Actually I now got one for you. Never post ads on forums and other community places if you don't intend to be back, respond and interact with people. That kind of a "shoot and run away" ad leaves a terrible impression.

DD>If you only responding to resumes sent to your email, then don't use forums. Publish instead your ad on monster, indeed etc.

Just been busy, thanks for your input.
Re[2]: Seeking C#/ASP.Net Javascript guru with an eye for De
От: jim  
Дата: 20.12.11 14:24
Здравствуйте, Паблик Морозов, Вы писали:

ПМ>Здравствуйте, jim, Вы писали:

ПМ>Does this job implying relocation? I heard African Americans used to be lynched in some southern states. Is it true that in some states people may bear firearms? I’m afraid to go to US.

The job does not require relocation, we have several employees overseas. And the US is a safe place to live by the way even with our backward gun laws!
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