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От: dimpro Латвия  
Дата: 12.02.05 23:11
Уважаемые коллеги!
Какое Ваше мнение по CV?
Претендую на 400 LVL — чуть более 700 USD.
Город Рига.

Всем заранее благодарен,

Personal Information
[ ..пропущено.. ]

Contact Information
[ ..пропущено.. ]

Goal:   I would like to join your company as a software developer

University of Latvia   2003 - ...    Computer Science

Computer Skills
Programming Languages
    .NET        C#, ASP .NET, ADO .NET
    Java        J2SE, JDBC, SWING
    XML         XML, SOAP, .NET web-services
    Web-client  HTML, JavaScript, VBScript
    Other       Borland Delphi, Pascal

Database systems    Oracle 9i, MS SQL Server 2000, Visual FoxPro

Operating systems   MS Windows, MS DOS, basics of Linux

Working Experience
Period:  Aug. 2004 - ...
Company(Place):    aCompany(Programmer)
    1.The project for vehicle insurance companies. 
      The accounting system for road incidents, agreed statements, 
      claims, rulings and payments. 
    2.The project for government institutions. 
      The document accounting system. 
      The system that leads the whole documents’ lifecycle.
Technologies used:
    ASP .NET / C#
    Oracle 9i
    MS SQL Server 2000
    XML-based client
    HTML / JavaScript / VBScript

Language Skills

Language    Level
Russian     Native
Latvian     Fluent
English     Technical / conversational
Hebrew      Beginner
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