Просят запретить летать над Россией
От: /aka/ СССР  
Дата: 18.03.23 10:55
Оценка: :))

Unable to fly through Russian airspace because of the war in Ukraine, U.S. airlines are stepping up a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill and at the White House to address what they say is a growing problem: They are losing business to foreign competitors who can take passengers between the United States and Asia faster and more cheaply.
Now airlines are pressing the White House and Congress to fix the problem by subjecting foreign carriers from nations not already banned from Russian airspace to the same restrictions applied to U.S. airlines, effectively forcing them to fly the same routes as their American competitors.


Выглядит как альтернативный ответ неэкологичному сбросу топлива, который устроили русские варвары над американским беспилотником. Давайте заставим всех летать на несколько часов дольше во имя Украины.
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