Re: Error или mistake?
От: Аноним  
Дата: 19.06.07 16:36
Оценка: 11 (1)
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synonyms ERROR, MISTAKE, BLUNDER, SLIP, LAPSE mean a departure from what is true, right, or proper.

ERROR suggests the existence of a standard or guide and a straying from the right course through failure to make effective use of this <procedural errors>.

MISTAKE implies misconception or inadvertence and usually expresses less criticism than error <dialed the wrong number by mistake>.

BLUNDER regularly imputes stupidity or ignorance as a cause and connotes some degree of blame <diplomatic blunders>.

SLIP stresses inadvertence or accident and applies especially to trivial but embarrassing mistakes <a slip of the tongue>.

LAPSE stresses forgetfulness, weakness, or inattention as a cause <a lapse in judgment>.
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