Информация об изменениях

Сообщение Re[4]: Честный 2checkout возврaщает chargeback fund от 28.08.2024 14:18

Изменено 28.08.2024 14:21 Victor Ivanidze

Re[4]: Честный 2checkot возврaщает chargeback fund

Dear Victor Ivanidze,

Please be advised, that the chargeback fund value will be returned to you, according to the contract H — 0211036173/2011-03-21.

In the 2Checkout Control Panel, Orders & Reports / Accounting section, you can verify at any moment the chargeback fund status and amount.

Re[4]: Честный 2checkout возврaщает chargeback fund

Dear Victor Ivanidze,

Please be advised, that the chargeback fund value will be returned to you, according to the contract H — 0211036173/2011-03-21.

In the 2Checkout Control Panel, Orders & Reports / Accounting section, you can verify at any moment the chargeback fund status and amount.