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Сообщение Re[2]: Куролесят… от 25.07.2024 19:48

Изменено 25.07.2024 19:49 Эйнсток Файр

Re[2]: Куролесят…
BFE> почему Шапокляк

почему Шапокляк — "француженка"?

A question about Russian folklore!

Шапокляк (Baba Yaga) is often referred to as a "француженка" (Frenchwoman) in Russian folklore, but this doesn't mean she's actually from France. The term "француженка" is used to describe her as a foreigner, an outsider, or someone who is not quite Russian.

There are a few theories about why Baba Yaga is referred to as a "француженка":

    One theory is that the term "француже��ка" was used to imply that Baba Yaga was a witch who practiced "foreign" or "exotic" magic, which was seen as more powerful and mysterious than traditional Russian magic.
    Another theory suggests that the term was used to distance Baba Yaga from traditional Russian culture and to make her seem more exotic and otherworldly.
    Some scholars believe that the term "француженка" was used to hint at Baba Yaga's connection to the Western European witchcraft traditions, which were seen as more sinister and malevolent than Russian folk magic.

Regardless of the reason, the term "француженка" has become an integral part of Baba Yaga's character in Russian folklore, adding to her mystique and aura of mystery.
Re[2]: Куролесят…
BFE> почему Шапокляк

почему Шапокляк — "француженка"?

A question about Russian folklore!

Шапокляк (Baba Yaga) is often referred to as a "француженка" (Frenchwoman) in Russian folklore, but this doesn't mean she's actually from France. The term "француженка" is used to describe her as a foreigner, an outsider, or someone who is not quite Russian.

There are a few theories about why Baba Yaga is referred to as a "француженка":

One theory is that the term "француже��ка" was used to imply that Baba Yaga was a witch who practiced "foreign" or "exotic" magic, which was seen as more powerful and mysterious than traditional Russian magic.
Another theory suggests that the term was used to distance Baba Yaga from traditional Russian culture and to make her seem more exotic and otherworldly.
Some scholars believe that the term "француженка" was used to hint at Baba Yaga's connection to the Western European witchcraft traditions, which were seen as more sinister and malevolent than Russian folk magic.

Regardless of the reason, the term "француженка" has become an integral part of Baba Yaga's character in Russian folklore, adding to her mystique and aura of mystery.