Информация об изменениях

Сообщение Re[2]: Начнем ли ценить краткость, глубину, зерно смысла? от 12.07.2023 21:05

Изменено 12.07.2023 21:07 MaximVK

Re[2]: Начнем ли ценить краткость, глубину, зерно смысла?
Здравствуйте, Muxa, Вы писали:

M>чатгпт и с этим хорошо справляется

Я такого не заметил. Налить воды, причем в разной стилистике, — это у него получается прям здорово.
А вот лаконично выразить мысль как-то не очень.

Вообще, Shmj, хороший вопрос поднял. Раньше создание формы в нужной стилистике (например, корпоративный булшит) — это был ценный навык. Теперь ценность этого навыка во многом нивелирована chatgpt и при желание каждый может выдать двухстраничный убедительно звучащее пространное письмо ни о чем.

>Could you please generate an example of a corporate bullshit email?

Subject: Leveraging Synergy and Streamlining Communication Across Verticals

Dear Team,

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to update you on our exciting new initiative, designed to leverage cross-functional synergy and streamline communication across our diverse verticals.

In line with our vision of disrupting industry standards and as part of our commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, we will be implementing a new Integrated Communication Strategy (ICS). The ICS is an innovative approach to empower our dynamic workforce and connect stakeholders across all echelons, providing unparalleled connectivity and fostering seamless collaboration.

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, the ICS will enable us to actualize our potential and break down silos, ensuring streamlined, end-to-end communication that will underpin our efforts to drive our value proposition and achieve our strategic objectives.

As we navigate through this paradigm shift, it is essential that we remain agile and adaptable, integrating this initiative into our workflow to ensure we maintain a holistic approach to our operations and continue to optimize our core competencies.

The successful implementation of the ICS is contingent upon your proactive participation. We encourage each one of you to fully embrace this initiative, remaining open to learning and growth as we synergistically transform our organization into an interconnected, results-driven entity.

Should you have any queries, or if you need assistance to transition smoothly into this new framework, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your team leads will be more than willing to facilitate any knowledge transfer necessary to make this process as seamless as possible.

We are confident that through collective effort and a shared vision, we can leverage this opportunity to catapult our organization into a new stratum of success. Together, we will push the boundaries and exceed our own expectations.

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to our mission. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to witnessing the positive change that this initiative will bring about.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Re[2]: Начнем ли ценить краткость, глубину, зерно смысла?
Здравствуйте, Muxa, Вы писали:

M>чатгпт и с этим хорошо справляется

Я такого не заметил. Налить воды, причем в разной стилистике, — это у него получается прям здорово.
А вот лаконично выразить мысль как-то не очень.

Вообще, Shmj, хороший вопрос поднял. Раньше создание формы в нужной стилистике (например, корпоративный булшит) — это был ценный навык. Теперь ценность этого навыка во многом нивелирована chatgpt и при желании каждый может выдать двухстраничное убедительно звучащее пространное письмо ни о чем.

>Could you please generate an example of a corporate bullshit email?

Subject: Leveraging Synergy and Streamlining Communication Across Verticals

Dear Team,

I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to update you on our exciting new initiative, designed to leverage cross-functional synergy and streamline communication across our diverse verticals.

In line with our vision of disrupting industry standards and as part of our commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, we will be implementing a new Integrated Communication Strategy (ICS). The ICS is an innovative approach to empower our dynamic workforce and connect stakeholders across all echelons, providing unparalleled connectivity and fostering seamless collaboration.

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, the ICS will enable us to actualize our potential and break down silos, ensuring streamlined, end-to-end communication that will underpin our efforts to drive our value proposition and achieve our strategic objectives.

As we navigate through this paradigm shift, it is essential that we remain agile and adaptable, integrating this initiative into our workflow to ensure we maintain a holistic approach to our operations and continue to optimize our core competencies.

The successful implementation of the ICS is contingent upon your proactive participation. We encourage each one of you to fully embrace this initiative, remaining open to learning and growth as we synergistically transform our organization into an interconnected, results-driven entity.

Should you have any queries, or if you need assistance to transition smoothly into this new framework, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your team leads will be more than willing to facilitate any knowledge transfer necessary to make this process as seamless as possible.

We are confident that through collective effort and a shared vision, we can leverage this opportunity to catapult our organization into a new stratum of success. Together, we will push the boundaries and exceed our own expectations.

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to our mission. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to witnessing the positive change that this initiative will bring about.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]