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Сообщение Re[3]: Вышел GPT 4 от 31.03.2023 21:41

Изменено 31.03.2023 21:44 vsb

Re[3]: Вышел GPT 4
Здравствуйте, B0FEE664, Вы писали:

vsb>>Пишут, что он феноменально хорош в программировании.


А что он сказал не так?

The following C++ code prints false because the types of fun1 and fun2 are different.

Let's break down the code:

In fun1, the return type is decltype(auto), which deduces the return type based on the type of the expression in the return statement. Here, you're returning (str), which is equivalent to str but considered as an expression with parentheses. As a result, the return type of fun1 will be std::string& because the parentheses cause the return type to be deduced as a reference.
In fun2, the return type is also decltype(auto). However, you're returning str directly without the parentheses. This will deduce the return type as std::string, not as a reference.
Now, in the main() function, you're using std::is_same_v to check if the types of decltype(fun1) and decltype(fun2) are the same. Since fun1 returns a reference to std::string (std::string&) and fun2 returns an std::string by value, the types are different, and std::is_same_v returns false.

That's why the code prints false.
Re[3]: Вышел GPT 4
Здравствуйте, B0FEE664, Вы писали:

vsb>>Пишут, что он феноменально хорош в программировании.


А что он сказал не так?

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