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Сообщение Попробовал ChatGPT для кода от 01.02.2023 20:46

Изменено 01.02.2023 20:49 vsb

Попробовал ChatGPT для кода
Недавно писал функцию, генерирующую возрастающие uuid-ы. Интереса ради попробовал эту задачу дать ChatGPT. Я только проверял его вывод.

  моя версия
type UuidData = {
  timestamp: number;
  counter: number;
  random: Uint8Array;

function next(prev: UuidData): UuidData {
  const timestamp = Date.now();
  const counter =
    timestamp == prev.timestamp ? Math.min(prev.counter + 1, 0x0f_ff) : 0;
  let random = random62();
  if (timestamp == prev.timestamp && counter == prev.counter) {
    let remainingAttempts = 1_000;
    while (remainingAttempts > 0 && isArrayLessOrEqual(random, prev.random)) {
      random = random62();
    if (remainingAttempts == 0) {
      throw new Error("Failed to generate a random number");
  return { timestamp, counter, random };

function random62(): Uint8Array {
  const array = new Uint8Array(8);
  array[0] = array[0] & 0x3f;
  return array;

function isArrayLessOrEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean {
  for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    if (a[i] < b[i]) {
      return true;
    } else if (a[i] > b[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

function uuidDataToString(data: UuidData): string {
  const n2 = data.timestamp & 0xff_ff;
  const n1 = (data.timestamp - n2) / 0x1_00_00;
  const n3 = (0x40_00 | data.counter) & 0xff_ff;
  const n4 = 0x80_00 | (data.random[0] << 8) | data.random[1];
  const n5 = (data.random[2] << 16) | (data.random[3] << 8) | data.random[4];
  const n6 = (data.random[5] << 16) | (data.random[6] << 8) | data.random[7];
  return (
    n1.toString(16).padStart(8, "0") +
    "-" +
    n2.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n3.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n4.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n5.toString(16).padStart(6, "0") +
    n6.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")

let prev: UuidData = { timestamp: 0, counter: 0, random: new Uint8Array(8) };

export function nextUuid(): string {
  prev = next(prev);
  return uuidDataToString(prev);

ChatGPT сгенерировал полную дичь на мой взгляд с точки зрения производительности. Но в принципе функциональным требованиям почти удовлетворил, насколько я могу судить. Не добился я от него, чтобы counter был равен нулю, но ладно, это не очень важно.

  полный транскрипт общения
Please write me TypeScript function nextUuid(). It should return string formatted as UUID. This UUID should be version 4 variant 1. It should contain 48-bit millisecond-precise timestamp, 12-bit counter and 62 bit of random data.

Here's an implementation of a function nextUuid that returns a string formatted as a UUID, following the specifications you provided:

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let counter = 0;
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
    counter = counter + 1;
    const random = (timeStamp + counter) % 16 | 0;
    const value = c === 'x' ? random : (random & 0x3 | 0x8);
    return value.toString(16);

This implementation uses the JavaScript Date object to get the current time in milliseconds, and uses a counter variable to keep track of the number of times the function has been called. The function then replaces the placeholders in a pre-defined UUID string format with random hexadecimal values, using the replace method with a callback function. The random values are generated using bitwise operations on the time stamp and the counter, to ensure that they are unique and conform to the version 4 variant 1 UUID format.

First 48 bits should contain millisecond-precise timestamp. Then 4 version bits. Then 12 bits containing counter. Counter should increment between function calls. Then 2 bits for variant. Then 62 bits of securely generated random data.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that follows the updated specifications:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 32; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);
    if (i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) {
      uuid += '-';

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the counter is declared as a global variable, and is incremented by 1 in each call to the function. The function uses the JavaScript Date object to get the current time in milliseconds, and converts it to a binary string with 48 bits. The function then concatenates the version bits, the counter bits, the variant bits, and the random bits, and converts the resulting binary string to a hexadecimal string. Finally, the hexadecimal string is formatted as a UUID string with hyphens inserted in the appropriate positions.

I tried to invoke this function. It returned `'0186-0-e-94'` string. This does not look like UUID. Probably there's bug somewhere.
I apologize for that. The issue is with the conversion of binary string to hexadecimal string. Here's an updated implementation that should resolve the issue:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);
    if (i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) {
      uuid = `${uuid}-`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the hexadecimal string is constructed one 4-bit chunk at a time, and hyphens are inserted after every 4th hexadecimal character, as required by the UUID format.

This version returns `"0186-0-e-979d9340008b651577fb54f000"`. It still does not look like UUID.
I apologize for the mistake. Here's a corrected version of the implementation:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the hexadecimal string is constructed one 4-bit chunk at a time, and is then formatted into the final UUID string by adding hyphens after every 8th, 4th, 4th, 4th, and 12th hexadecimal character, as required by the UUID format.

It works. Now please update code, so the counter is gets incremented only when uuid generated in the same millisecond as previous uuid. Otherwise counter should be 0.
Here's an updated implementation of nextUuid function that resets the counter whenever the generated UUID has a different timestamp than the previous UUID:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, a new timestamp is obtained using Date.now() every time the function is called. The counter is only incremented when the timestamp is the same as the previous one. When a different timestamp is obtained, the counter is reset to 0 and the previousTimestamp variable is updated.

Please update the code according to the following specs: If counter reaches 4095, for next value it should stay at 4095 and keep generating UUID until either random part of UUID becomes greater than previous part or next millisecond ticks. For next millisecond counter should reset to 0. The idea is to generate strictly ascending series of UUIDs.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function according to the given specifications:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, if the counter reaches 4095, the code keeps generating new random bits until either the random bits are greater than the previous random bits or the next millisecond ticks. If the next millisecond ticks, the counter is reset to 0 and the previousTimestamp and previousRandomBits variables are updated. This ensures that a strictly ascending series of UUIDs is generated.

Now it uses counter = 1 instead of counter = 0 when first value for a given millisecond is generated.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that uses counter = 1 instead of counter = 0 when the first value for a given millisecond is generated:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 1;

No, I mean that previous version outputs UUID with counter = 1, but it should be counter = 0
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that uses counter = 0 as the first value for a given millisecond:

let counter = -1;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

It still outputs "1" as counter value. For example `"01860ea6-1de7-4001-b0c9-890947358000"`. Third group should be `4000`.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that sets the counter to 0 when a new millisecond is encountered, and increments the counter for each subsequent call within the same millisecond:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

Сделал небольшой бенчмарк. Моя версия работает со скоростью 2 427 184/сек (по сути примерно с максимальной для данного алгоритма), ChatGPT-шная — 195 465/сек. Или в 10 раз медленней. Ну могу только в очередной раз удивиться V8, который даже такую дичь умеет довольно быстро выполнять.

В общем факты такие:

Код он сгенерировал читаемый. Однозначно — более читаемый, чем мой. Работать с битами, как со строками это неплохая идея с точки зрения читаемости.

Про производительность он не думает.

Функционал он не смог сгенерировать без ошибок, но конечный вариант оказался приемлемым.

"Общался" с ним я меньше времени, чем писал свой вариант сам.

В сгенерированном коде я совсем не уверен. На первый взгляд кажется без очень грубых ошибок. 62 бита он однозначно сгенерировал плохо, не понимает, что в жс числа максимум 53 бита, то бишь реально там около 53 битов. Также использует устаревшую функцию substr, которую использовать нежелательно.

Выводы можете делать сами. Я лично для генерации полноценных фрагментов кода его пока использовать не готов. Но в целом, конечно, удивляет, что он вообще справляется с задачей.
Попробовал ChatGPT для кода
Недавно писал функцию, генерирующую возрастающие uuid-ы. Интереса ради попробовал эту задачу дать ChatGPT. Я только проверял его вывод.

  моя версия
type UuidData = {
  timestamp: number;
  counter: number;
  random: Uint8Array;

function next(prev: UuidData): UuidData {
  const timestamp = Date.now();
  const counter =
    timestamp == prev.timestamp ? Math.min(prev.counter + 1, 0x0f_ff) : 0;
  let random = random62();
  if (timestamp == prev.timestamp && counter == prev.counter) {
    let remainingAttempts = 1_000;
    while (remainingAttempts > 0 && isArrayLessOrEqual(random, prev.random)) {
      random = random62();
    if (remainingAttempts == 0) {
      throw new Error("Failed to generate a random number");
  return { timestamp, counter, random };

function random62(): Uint8Array {
  const array = new Uint8Array(8);
  array[0] = array[0] & 0x3f;
  return array;

function isArrayLessOrEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean {
  for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
    if (a[i] < b[i]) {
      return true;
    } else if (a[i] > b[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

function uuidDataToString(data: UuidData): string {
  const n2 = data.timestamp & 0xff_ff;
  const n1 = (data.timestamp - n2) / 0x1_00_00;
  const n3 = (0x40_00 | data.counter) & 0xff_ff;
  const n4 = 0x80_00 | (data.random[0] << 8) | data.random[1];
  const n5 = (data.random[2] << 16) | (data.random[3] << 8) | data.random[4];
  const n6 = (data.random[5] << 16) | (data.random[6] << 8) | data.random[7];
  return (
    n1.toString(16).padStart(8, "0") +
    "-" +
    n2.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n3.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n4.toString(16).padStart(4, "0") +
    "-" +
    n5.toString(16).padStart(6, "0") +
    n6.toString(16).padStart(6, "0")

let prev: UuidData = { timestamp: 0, counter: 0, random: new Uint8Array(8) };

export function nextUuid(): string {
  prev = next(prev);
  return uuidDataToString(prev);

ChatGPT сгенерировал полную дичь на мой взгляд с точки зрения производительности. Но в принципе функциональным требованиям почти удовлетворил, насколько я могу судить. Не добился я от него, чтобы counter был равен нулю, но ладно, это не очень важно.

  полный транскрипт общения
Please write me TypeScript function nextUuid(). It should return string formatted as UUID. This UUID should be version 4 variant 1. It should contain 48-bit millisecond-precise timestamp, 12-bit counter and 62 bit of random data.

Here's an implementation of a function nextUuid that returns a string formatted as a UUID, following the specifications you provided:

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let counter = 0;
  return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
    counter = counter + 1;
    const random = (timeStamp + counter) % 16 | 0;
    const value = c === 'x' ? random : (random & 0x3 | 0x8);
    return value.toString(16);

This implementation uses the JavaScript Date object to get the current time in milliseconds, and uses a counter variable to keep track of the number of times the function has been called. The function then replaces the placeholders in a pre-defined UUID string format with random hexadecimal values, using the replace method with a callback function. The random values are generated using bitwise operations on the time stamp and the counter, to ensure that they are unique and conform to the version 4 variant 1 UUID format.

First 48 bits should contain millisecond-precise timestamp. Then 4 version bits. Then 12 bits containing counter. Counter should increment between function calls. Then 2 bits for variant. Then 62 bits of securely generated random data.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that follows the updated specifications:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 32; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);
    if (i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) {
      uuid += '-';

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the counter is declared as a global variable, and is incremented by 1 in each call to the function. The function uses the JavaScript Date object to get the current time in milliseconds, and converts it to a binary string with 48 bits. The function then concatenates the version bits, the counter bits, the variant bits, and the random bits, and converts the resulting binary string to a hexadecimal string. Finally, the hexadecimal string is formatted as a UUID string with hyphens inserted in the appropriate positions.

I tried to invoke this function. It returned `'0186-0-e-94'` string. This does not look like UUID. Probably there's bug somewhere.
I apologize for that. The issue is with the conversion of binary string to hexadecimal string. Here's an updated implementation that should resolve the issue:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);
    if (i === 12 || i === 16 || i === 20) {
      uuid = `${uuid}-`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the hexadecimal string is constructed one 4-bit chunk at a time, and hyphens are inserted after every 4th hexadecimal character, as required by the UUID format.

This version returns `"0186-0-e-979d9340008b651577fb54f000"`. It still does not look like UUID.
I apologize for the mistake. Here's a corrected version of the implementation:

let counter = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, the hexadecimal string is constructed one 4-bit chunk at a time, and is then formatted into the final UUID string by adding hyphens after every 8th, 4th, 4th, 4th, and 12th hexadecimal character, as required by the UUID format.

It works. Now please update code, so the counter is gets incremented only when uuid generated in the same millisecond as previous uuid. Otherwise counter should be 0.
Here's an updated implementation of nextUuid function that resets the counter whenever the generated UUID has a different timestamp than the previous UUID:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  const counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');
  const randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');

  counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, a new timestamp is obtained using Date.now() every time the function is called. The counter is only incremented when the timestamp is the same as the previous one. When a different timestamp is obtained, the counter is reset to 0 and the previousTimestamp variable is updated.

Please update the code according to the following specs: If counter reaches 4095, for next value it should stay at 4095 and keep generating UUID until either random part of UUID becomes greater than previous part or next millisecond ticks. For next millisecond counter should reset to 0. The idea is to generate strictly ascending series of UUIDs.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function according to the given specifications:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

In this implementation, if the counter reaches 4095, the code keeps generating new random bits until either the random bits are greater than the previous random bits or the next millisecond ticks. If the next millisecond ticks, the counter is reset to 0 and the previousTimestamp and previousRandomBits variables are updated. This ensures that a strictly ascending series of UUIDs is generated.

Now it uses counter = 1 instead of counter = 0 when first value for a given millisecond is generated.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that uses counter = 1 instead of counter = 0 when the first value for a given millisecond is generated:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 1;

No, I mean that previous version outputs UUID with counter = 1, but it should be counter = 0
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that uses counter = 0 as the first value for a given millisecond:

let counter = -1;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

It still outputs "1" as counter value. For example `"01860ea6-1de7-4001-b0c9-890947358000"`. Third group should be `4000`.
Here's an updated implementation of the nextUuid function that sets the counter to 0 when a new millisecond is encountered, and increments the counter for each subsequent call within the same millisecond:

let counter = 0;
let previousTimestamp = 0;
let previousRandomBits = '';

function nextUuid(): string {
  const timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
  let randomBits = '';

  if (timeStamp !== previousTimestamp) {
    counter = 0;
    previousTimestamp = timeStamp;
    previousRandomBits = '';

  const timestampBits = timeStamp.toString(2).padStart(48, '0');
  const versionBits = "0100".padEnd(4, '0');
  let counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  const variantBits = "10".padEnd(2, '0');

  do {
    randomBits = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Math.pow(2, 62) - 1)).toString(2).padStart(62, '0');
    counter = (counter + 1) % 4096;
    counterBits = counter.toString(2).padStart(12, '0');
  } while (counter === 4095 && (previousRandomBits >= randomBits));

  previousRandomBits = randomBits;

  let uuidBits = `${timestampBits}${versionBits}${counterBits}${variantBits}${randomBits}`;
  let uuid = '';

  for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 4) {
    uuid += parseInt(uuidBits.substr(i, 4), 2).toString(16);

  uuid = `${uuid.substr(0, 8)}-${uuid.substr(8, 4)}-${uuid.substr(12, 4)}-${uuid.substr(16, 4)}-${uuid.substr(20, 12)}`;

  return uuid;

Сделал небольшой бенчмарк. Моя версия работает со скоростью 2 427 184/сек (по сути примерно с максимальной для данного алгоритма), ChatGPT-шная — 195 465/сек. Или в 10 раз медленней. Ну могу только в очередной раз удивиться V8, который даже такую дичь умеет довольно быстро выполнять.

В общем факты такие:

Код он сгенерировал читаемый. Однозначно — более читаемый, чем мой. Работать с битами, как со строками это неплохая идея с точки зрения читаемости.

Про производительность он не думает.

Функционал он не смог сгенерировать без ошибок, но конечный вариант оказался приемлемым.

"Общался" с ним я меньше времени, чем писал свой вариант сам.

В сгенерированном коде я совсем не уверен. На первый взгляд кажется без очень грубых ошибок. 62 бита он однозначно сгенерировал плохо, не понимает, что в жс числа максимум 53 бита, то бишь реально там около 53 битов. Также проигнорировал мой намёк на то, что мне надо secure random. Также использует устаревшую функцию substr, которую использовать нежелательно.

Выводы можете делать сами. Я лично для генерации полноценных фрагментов кода его пока использовать не готов. Но в целом, конечно, удивляет, что он вообще справляется с задачей.