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Сообщение Re[3]: Неполная рабочая неделя в ИТ от 05.08.2020 9:39

Изменено 08.08.2020 17:26 Дядюшка Ау

Re[3]: Неполная рабочая неделя в ИТ
А чем для сисадмина SRE скрипто-пейсателя и другой стороны контракта плохи такие условия:

Working only remotely from my home part time up to 80 hours a month in
total of actual non idle billed work efforts (not more), a workday up to 12
hours a day if and when needed urgently on some days. An urgent (10
minutes) response to “all hands” incidents is acceptable during
predefined in advance 8 hours period on any workday, anyway a monthly
total shall not exceed already mentioned above 80 hours of work. Upgrade
works are also possible on weekends and holidays during offline time for
services if and when needed on preliminary request (at least in one day in
advance). Minimum amount of billed work efforts is 40 hours per month if you
cannot load more or even at least at this level, it is like a minimum monthly
subscription (paid at the end of month). Significant (2-3 times) pre-agreed
discounts are possible for some of my skills (for preferred technologies )
which may be not perfect enough yet (being learned by me).

Always working without prepays but with protected binary
deliverables (until paid by you) which you can test if needed in your sand-
boxed environment on your test server before payment. A first small phase of
my work (with a duration of 10-40 hours on my choice agreed in advance) at
my general rate can be rejected once if you do not like it, it is the same like
a test task or a test work or a trial. You agree that I am not responsible and I
will not be charged by your party (e.g. by penalties, indemnities and/or
compensations against me) for results which you do not like or do not suit you
for some reasons for example including your expectations, your time spent,
large amount of my work efforts and/or if you lost your interest. You pay only
after you tested binary deliverables on your side, your payments are not
reversible or returnable under any reason after you have received
corresponding source code for your preliminary tested binary deliverables
from me after your payment.


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Re[3]: Неполная рабочая неделя в ИТ
А чем для сисадмина SRE скрипто-пейсателя и другой стороны контракта плохи такие условия:

VERY IMPORTANT special contract terms for my FUTURE (NEXT)
objective. Working only remotely from my home part time up to 80 hours a
month in total of actual non idle billed work efforts (not more), a
workday up to 12 hours a day if and when needed urgently on some days
only for SysOps and SRE administration (NOT development like a bug fixing,
etc.), an urgent (10 minutes) response to such “all hands” incidents is
acceptable during predefined in advance 8 hours period on any workday,
anyway a monthly total shall not exceed already mentioned above 80 hours
of work (at least as an average per month for continuous three months).
Scheduled upgrade works are also possible on weekends and holidays
during offline time for services if and when needed on preliminary request (at
least in one day in advance).
Always working without prepays but with protected binary
deliverables (source codes are not available to you until paid by you to
me) which you can test if needed in your sand-boxed environment on your
test server before payment.
A small phase of my unpaid work (with a duration not more than 10-
40 hours agreed with you in advance) at my general rate can be rejected
at any point of time, after that I can terminate our cooperation and/or
prohibit you to use new results of such unpaid phase of my work,
anyway you are still allowed to continue to use results of my work from
other phases (if existed) paid by you to me under signed executed
effective authentic licenses. It is a good idea to use your such rejecting
opportunity at the very beginning of my work with you if you do not like my
work, it is the same like a test task or a test work or a trial at the beginning of
cooperation or if later at some point of time you start feeling a quality of my
work becomes worse than acceptable one. It is a very bad idea to try to
use rejection of my work for a longer working phase like more than 40
hours of my yet unpaid work as it breaks conditions of these terms and
also makes me wasting my time on working for you which is not going
to be paid. You shall make your best efforts to terminate our
cooperation in time in advance and examinably notify me about
termination at once ASAP (for example if you do not like something e.g.
uncorrectable in my work or for any other reason) to not exceed wasting
40 hours of my work if you are not going to pay for them.
Minimum amount of billed work efforts is 40 hours per month if you
cannot load me more or even cannot load at least at this level but at the same
time provided I can sustain your work load, it is like a minimum monthly
subscription paid at the end of the month if you are still interested in my
promptly and quick reaction to your administration incidents and/or
development bug fixing, otherwise you shall explicitly notify about termination
of cooperation under these terms because otherwise I will anyway begin to
look for other more demanding projects and when found they would get
higher priority over yours without enough load and therefore generally without
enough payment. My pay rate change is allowed only just after a phase of
work completed, not in a middle of a phase, I generally increase my rate
only together with inflation, GOLD exchange rate and a complex
consumer basket cost.
You agree that I am not responsible and I will not be charged by your
party or your any affiliated 3rd party e.g. by penalties, indemnities and/or
compensations against me for my results (or their lack) which you do not like
or do not suit you for some reasons for example including your expectations,
your time spent, unexpectedly large amount of my work efforts needed and/or
if you lost your interest. You pay only after you tested binary deliverables
on your side , your payments are not reversible or returnable under any
reason after you have received corresponding source code for your
preliminary tested binary deliverables from me after your payment.
Common utilities and my PERSONAL PROJECTS are © Copyright
by the author (me — XXX YYY ZZZ), all rights
reserved (exclusive rights too), your NDA shall not restrict me to use my
exclusive rights in this intellectual property for any other further work or
any future project not related to you or your company.
If some of my common utilities are used in your projects provided
with my authentic hand signed permission they are licensed NON
exclusively to your contract party (your company) only under a simple
license agreement and sometimes if additionally agreed in advance may
include rights for modifications and making derivative works for your company
still under a simple license agreement too where such rights for modifications
shall be indicated explicitly.
All custom scripts and configurations done specifically for you are
licensed exclusively to your party of the contract (your company), also
can be under your NDA if needed.
1) Relocation.
2) Fixed priced tasks, exact estimates and prepays unacceptable. Only per
hour and very approximated non-obligatory estimates acceptable.
3) Military and other companies who might abuse human rights.
4) Manual administration of user's desktops except automation of
5) Programming in financial and accounting field except Ops related to server
6) Administration of proprietary physical hardware hosts like blades, data
centers and mainframes.


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