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Сообщение Formality. Новый язык зависимых типов от 15.09.2019 12:50

Изменено 23.09.2019 11:31 HrorH

Formality. Новый язык зависимых типов
Formality (см там внизу страницы мультик)


Что интересного:
Solving the mystery behind Abstract Algorithm’s magical optimizations

Своя версия лямбда исчисления

Towards a simple theorem prover

Can we call a function a googol times?

Okay, nobody reads my Twitter, so I realized I can make random, misguided predictions here and nobody will call me dumb if they don't work out, yet I can tell everyone I was right if they do!

So, here is one: there are many similarities between applying quantum operators to multiple values, and performing computations on highly shared terms of interaction combinators. Conjecture: interaction nets can perform Shor's Algorithm efficiently in classical computers.

Victor Maia

Теги: Affine logic, Self types, SYMMETRIC INTERACTION COMBINATORS, Магия, Cedille, Juvix

P.S. Похоже про interaction net лучше сначала прочитать статью interaction net Lafont и потом A Denotational Semantics for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators Mazza
Formality. Новый язык зависимых типов
Formality (см там внизу страницы мультик)


Что интересного:
Solving the mystery behind Abstract Algorithm’s magical optimizations

Своя версия лямбда исчисления

Towards a simple theorem prover

Can we call a function a googol times?

Своя операционная система Moonad

Okay, nobody reads my Twitter, so I realized I can make random, misguided predictions here and nobody will call me dumb if they don't work out, yet I can tell everyone I was right if they do!

So, here is one: there are many similarities between applying quantum operators to multiple values, and performing computations on highly shared terms of interaction combinators. Conjecture: interaction nets can perform Shor's Algorithm efficiently in classical computers.

Victor Maia

Теги: Affine logic, Self types, SYMMETRIC INTERACTION COMBINATORS, Магия, Cedille, Juvix

P.S. Похоже про interaction net лучше сначала прочитать статью interaction net Lafont
потом Yves Lafont, Interation Combinators, Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, 1997
и потом A Denotational Semantics for the Symmetric Interaction Combinators Mazza