О переводе thesis-а Joe Armstrong
От: Mirrorer  
Дата: 16.10.06 12:18
Оценка: 40 (5)
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Автор: Mirrorer
Дата: 13.10.06
, написал Joe письмо.

Hello, Joe !

Short. I am programmer from Ukraine, and I'd like to translate your thesis into Russian. What copyright issues can be concerned with this ?

Long. In xUSSR programming society people are getting interested in Erlang. Erlang is not mainstream here.
It is difficult to find programmer who knows Erlang. I'm sure that 95% of xUSSR programmers haven't ever heard of it.
There are reasons for it and I think the most important one is absence of books or even articles about Erlang in Russian. I'd like to fix that.
But I know nothing(almost) about copyright. What I want to do is to translate your thesis and publish it on some popular Russian developer's sites. Maybe publish parts of it in Russian IT magazines. Are there any copyright issues concerned with this ? Is it possible to do that ? What restrictions are there ?

And if it is impossible to do , maybe you know some good resources on Erlang that have no copyright restrictions ? Articles, tutorials, etc ?
I can't find any document describing inner structure of OTP, for example Only small pieces of information in mailing lists..

Thank you for your time.

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Wow — I have to think about this.

I own the copyright to my thesis, so the only person you have to deal with is me.

But ... I am currently writing a book ... and it might be better that you translate the book.

I will contact my publisher about this.

As for OTP documentation

I'm surprised you have not found the documentation the OTP site

Start at


In particular


All this is covered by the Erlang public license — which gives you the right to
publish derived works (which I guess included translation)

You can also read


I am going to include some of this in my book — what I do in the case is
I write to the authors and get their explicit permission to use the text.

Even if the text is not covered by copyright I think it is important to have a good
relationship with the original authors and always contact them and credit them
for the work. In all cases everybody has been very helpful.

I'll contact you when I have talked to my publisher.

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