Наконец то доделал версию 1.1 игры. Версия 1.0 обсуждалась
здесьАвтор: yxiie
Дата: 22.10.04
Постарался учесть все замечания, смотрите что получилось.
Краткий список изменений:
— Major gameplay improvements: gameplay is faster and diverse, controls are better
— Totally new tracks with sand, water, dirt, rough terrain, and more
— Secret shortcuts and passages!
— Interactive scenery
— In-place speed boosters and bouncers
— More precise car animation
— More visual customization of your car
— Game interface is simpler and more user-friendly
— Game balance improved
— Fixed lot of bugs
Краткое описание игры:
JAM XM is a highly dynamical arcade racing game that brings you into the distant future to take part in the intergalactic racing tournament. Your goal is not just to race, but to destroy rivals who threaten your superiority with your car heavy weaponry, collect bonuses, and have fun on the journey. Between championships you can go to a mechanics bay to upgrade your car and improve your deadly arsenal.
Don’t hesitate to prove that you are truly the best racer in the galaxy!
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