Версия на русском языке



Author: Guev Timur Ahsarbekovich
Annotation: The article is devoted to the sorting on the .NET platform. As is known in .NET 4.5 the Quicksort algorithm is used as the default, and it works quite well on random data. However, in the latest version of .NET the algorithm was changed to IntroSort. By the way, MSDN keeps silence about this change.

Keywords: .NET; sorting; Quicksort; algorithm; IntroSort

.NET - классы, компоненты и контролы

Работа с потоками в C#

Translator: Sergey Teplyakov
Source: Threading in C#
Annotation: In this article covered Parallel LINQ, class Parallel, Task Parallel Library, Concurrent Collections and SpinLock and SpinWait structures. This material based on book Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari "C# 4.0 in a Nutshell" — http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596800963

Keywords: Multithreading; PLINQ; TPL; C#
Authors: Evgeny Oginsky
Roman Burda
Annotation: The article describes several mistakes which are made in the programming code. Reccomendation are given about how not to write the code, on which steps of code development the attention and consideration of these mistakes should be taken to account.

Keywords: philosophy of programming; frequent errors; bad code
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: Non-trivial problems of the Singleton pattern realization under .Net.

Keywords: singleton; .NET
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: Covered obscure behavior that every developer could face working with mutable value types.

Keywords: C#; value types; immutability;