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Asynchronous programming with C# 5
Annotation: This article describes new features for C# 5 programming languages that facilitate asynchronous programming. Keywords: C# 5; asynchronous programming; multithreading |
.NET Framework 4.0. Code Access Security
Annotation: The article describes changes and innovations in the mechanism of Code Access Security (CAS) introduced in version 4.0. of the NET Framework Keywords: Code Access Security, CAS, .NET Framework, .NET Framework 4.0, Security Transparent Code |
Using .NET high-level data parallel libraries for GPGPU.
Annotation: Article describes the opportunity of using high-level data parallel .NET libraries for multiplying matrix by vector with graphic processor. There is a comparison of the following libraries: Accelerator; Brahma; TidePowerd GPU.NET. The most suitable library will be chosen for accelartion of computations in the scientific work. Keywords: GPGPU; using graphical processor; Accelerator; Brahma; TidePowerd GPU.NET; comparison of libraries; computations |
The article title (in English)
Annotation: Данная статья посвящена сразу двум нововведениям в Windows 7, облегчающим работу с телефонами, принтерами, плеерами и другим оборудованием. Речь о новой папке “Устройства и принтеры” и страницах Device Stage. Keywords: Device Stage; |
Full-text search in web-applications
Annotation: In this article the author examines the possibility of adding full-text search in the web application. The detailed review of the open source library for full-text search Lucene.Net. Keywords: Silverlight, WCF RIA Services, Lucene.Net |
Kernel Transaction Manager
Annotation: Kernel Transaction Manager in Windows 2008, 2008 R2, Vista, Seven; and their usage via C# Keywords: Transactional NTFS; Transactional Registry; TxF; TxR |
Reactive Extensions
Annotation: Reactive Extensions library design and developed by Microsoft Research. This library built for unifying access for different push-based collection including event handling, asynchronous programming and other. Keywords: reactive extensions; asynchronous programming; multithreading; |
Silverlight Prism Overview. Part 1. Theory.
Annotation: Prism provides guidance designed to help you build flexible and easy-to-maintain Silverlight RIA applications.The article presents detailed information about architecture and inner working mechanisms of the project library. At first, general description of the inversion of the control pattern is given. Its implementation is widely used in the manual. Then the author describes typical application architecture based on the manual. There is detailed information about module division and interaction between modules. In conclusion, there is an aspect of data receiving in client-server application, which isn’t in Prism manual. Keywords: silverlight, prism, mvvm, wcf services, modularity, inversion of control |
The article title (in English)
Annotation: Annotation of my article. Keywords: Windows 7; |
Using Windows Imaging API (WIMGAPI)
Annotation: This article makes an introduction to Windows Imaging API, as well as three typical OS image operations - capture, apply and delete - are covered. Keywords: WIMGAPI; WIM; Windows Imaging API; |
Система программирования MMIXAL.NET |
Programming system MMIXAL.NET
Annotation: Describes a programming system MMIXAL.NET. We consider the architecture of the virtual machine MMIX. Keywords: architecture; assembler; debugger; interpritator; C #; MMIXAL.NET; MMIX; MMIXAL; |
Programming system MMIXAL.NET
Annotation: We consider loading and storing instructions, arithmetic and conditional instructions, bitwise and bytewise operations, immediate constants, jumps and branches, subroutine calls, system instruction Keywords: instruction; MMIXAL.NET; MMIX; MMIXAL; |
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