Версия на русском языке




Author: Kupaev Michael
Source: RSDN Magazine #1-2010
Annotation: --

Keywords: ТеХ; InDesign
Author: Name Surname
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: C#; NET; component; control
Author: Ljukshin Ivan Stanislavovich
Annotation: This article describes common issues in the application exception handling with WTL. The article helps to avoid some bugs in ATL/WTL. For beginners and experienced developers.

Keywords: WTL; exception handling; ATL; unhandled exception; GUI;
Author: Константин Владимиров
Annotation: This article describes using of the HaXML library which helps process XML in Haskell language.

Keywords: Haskell; XML; HaXML
Author: Tepljakov Sergey Vladimirovich
Annotation: Design by Contract is a powerful software development technique. It truly facilitate building reliable and extensible software by strict formalization behavior between software components. Current article describes theoretical aspects for Design by Contract techniques, first described by Bertrand Meyer, witch permitting to understand value of this method in software development process.

Keywords: OOP; Design by Contract; .NET 4.0; statistic analysis
Author: Grigoryev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
Annotation: Article describes internal aspects of the boost “signals2” library. General architecture and signatures of classes have been discussed. An interaction of various objects during user’s invocation has been explained.

Keywords: boost; signals2; signal; slot; metaprogramming; delayed call
Author: Tepljakov Sergey Vladimirovich
Annotation: This article describe internal implementation of closures in C# language.

Keywords: C#; Closure; Functional programming
Author: Chistyakov Vlad
Annotation: Non folmal introduction to The Nemerle programming lanuage. In this part you get to know about data types variant and class.

Keywords: Nemerle; Programming lanuage; Introduction
Authors: Krivtsov Oleg Aleksandrovich
Korikov Anatoliy Michailovich
Source: RSDN Magazine #1-2010
Annotation: Image registration (alignment) algorithms are utilized for panoramic photo construction, visual objects tracking on video frames and in other areas. In this article, I derive a mathematic formulation and provide a software implementation of the inverse-compositional image registration algorithm.

Keywords: image registration; image alignment; inverse-compositional algorithm;pixel mapping model; least squares method; Newton gradient descent method; OpenCV; C++


Author: Mikhail Kupaev
Translator: Name Surname
Source: source
Contributor: Name Surname
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: semicolon separated keywords list;
Authors: Mazin Anatoliy
Libman Mishail
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: The article decribes a method of testing of capacity of database on basis of requests which were performed on it before. The article offers a methodology of collection of requests, executing of this requests, acquisition and analysis of results of testing.

Keywords: data bases; the testing of data bases;
Author: Chistyakov Vlad
Annotation: PegGrammar macro is a Nemerle macro, which allows to add to the application parsers, described in the PEG notation.

Keywords: Programming language; Nemerle; macro, PEG, parcer, context-free language, context-dependent language
Author: Basil Voronkov
Annotation: Description of a project devoted to the development of Ela programming language.

Keywords: programming languages; .NET; functional programming
Author: Alexander Kostarev
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Issues of memory organization in C++ are considered along with memory management principles and pointers usage basics. Еlements and definitions are explained from the perspective of their implementation and internal structure. A careful reader will be able to understand how language elements and structures work and why they function exactly that way.

Keywords: C++; objects; pointers; memory; stack; dynamic memory; memory leaks; new; delete;
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Translator: Name Surname
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: semicolon separated keywords list;
Author: Vitalii Tsybulnyk
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: In the article author summarizes and transmits through own experience some main human aspects of software architecture. Evolutionary nature of software architecture is considered, especially obvious at small-sized projects. Subjective design decisions about patterns and best practices in a social context of a particular project runs to some different styles of the design patterns usage. Ambiguity and versatility of software architect's role emphasizes and amplifies first-order value of human factors (personal and team) for the process of technical decision making at software projects and software architecture development.

Keywords: Software architecture; human aspects; evolutionary architecture; design patterns; software architect; small-to-medium-sized project; startup;
Author: Igor S. Savchuk
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Like many ideas that sound good in theory but are clumsy in practice, object-oriented programming (OOP) offers benefits only in a specialized context—namely, group programming. And even in that circumstance the benefits are dubious, though the proponents of OOP would have you believe otherwise. So Let's Talk About objects: Why OOP Have Failed?

Keywords: OOP; object-oriented; encapsulation; modularity; polymorphism; inheritance; alternative; critics; criticism; design patterns; objects
Author: Victor Denisov
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Paper considers example of tests' influence on software architecture. It is proposed formal criteria of method's testability. It is introduced definition of method's outgoing dependency. Connection is shown between received definitions and criteria and sense of heuristic rules received by Robert Martin, Kent Beck, Martin Fowler in their studies devoted to source code quality.

Keywords: quality of the source code; unit tests;
Author: Oleg Smirnov
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: In this article the author describes the possibility of writing specifications about a user behavior using a natural language for automated testing of web applications. The detailed review of such tools as SpecFlow and Watin.

Keywords: BDD, SpecFlow, WatiN
Author: Oleg Smirnov
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: In this article, the author describes natural keys, their view on database and domain model tiers, and also gives an example of adding support for the natural keys into an object-relational mapper such as BLToolkit.

Keywords: MS SQL Server, ORM, BLToolkit, T4
Author: Vasily Starostin
Source: RSDN Magazine #2-2010
Annotation: Some interesting examples in C++ code

Keywords: C++ joke


Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Source: RSDN Magazine #3-2010
Annotation: Article describes Iterator Design Pattern in context of C# programming language, including iterator block implementation by C# compiler.

Keywords: C#; Design Patterns; Iterator;
Author: Gerasimov Vasily Aleksandrovich
Source: RSDN Magazine #3-2010
Annotation: The article is devoted to methods of generating random combinations. We analyze two such methods - generating a combination from randomly generated permutation and generating a combination from its sequence number. The library of C++ functions implementing the methods described is provided. The performance of the developed methods is compared. Also an interesting consequence of generating a combination from number is viewed - compact storage of sequences of elements.

Keywords: combinatorics; combination; combinations’ generation; random combination; sequence number of combination; binomial coefficient; permutation; algorithm;
Author: Bakhtin Nikolaj Ivanovich
Annotation: The problem of calculation errors with real numbers. The article gives some examples of the sensitive to errors in the code and look for ways to address them. The urgency of this problem for those involved in the creation of programs performing mathematical calculations.

Keywords: error in computation; real numbers; FPU; stability of the algorithm
Author: Alexander Kostarev
Annotation: Issues of memory organization in C++ are considered along with memory management principles and pointers usage basics. Еlements and definitions are explained from the perspective of their implementation and internal structure. A careful reader will be able to understand how language elements and structures work and why they function exactly that way.

Keywords: C++; objects; pointers; arrays; vectors; memory; stack; dynamic memory; memory leaks; new; delete;
Translator: Sergey Teplyakov
Source: Threading in C#
Annotation: In this article covered Parallel LINQ, class Parallel, Task Parallel Library, Concurrent Collections and SpinLock and SpinWait structures. This material based on book Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari "C# 4.0 in a Nutshell" — http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596800963

Keywords: Multithreading; PLINQ; TPL; C#
Author: Name Surname
Translator: Name Surname
Source: source
Contributor: Name Surname
Annotation: Annotation of my article.

Keywords: semicolon separated keywords list;


Author: Dmitry Balikhin
Annotation: Article describes the opportunity of using high-level data parallel .NET libraries for multiplying matrix by vector with graphic processor. There is a comparison of the following libraries: Accelerator; Brahma; TidePowerd GPU.NET. The most suitable library will be chosen for accelartion of computations in the scientific work.

Keywords: GPGPU; using graphical processor; Accelerator; Brahma; TidePowerd GPU.NET; comparison of libraries; computations
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: Reactive Extensions library design and developed by Microsoft Research. This library built for unifying access for different push-based collection including event handling, asynchronous programming and other.

Keywords: reactive extensions; asynchronous programming; multithreading;
Author: Alexander Kiryushin
Translator: Elena Gredasova
Source: Blog by Enterra, Inc.
Contributor: Alexander Kiryushin
Annotation: Prism provides guidance designed to help you build flexible and easy-to-maintain Silverlight RIA applications.The article presents detailed information about architecture and inner working mechanisms of the project library. At first, general description of the inversion of the control pattern is given. Its implementation is widely used in the manual. Then the author describes typical application architecture based on the manual. There is detailed information about module division and interaction between modules. In conclusion, there is an aspect of data receiving in client-server application, which isn’t in Prism manual.

Keywords: silverlight, prism, mvvm, wcf services, modularity, inversion of control
Author: Oleg Smirnov
Annotation: In this article the author examines the possibility of adding full-text search in the web application. The detailed review of the open source library for full-text search Lucene.Net.

Keywords: Silverlight, WCF RIA Services, Lucene.Net
Author: Roman Akopov
Annotation: Kernel Transaction Manager in Windows 2008, 2008 R2, Vista, Seven; and their usage via C#

Keywords: Transactional NTFS; Transactional Registry; TxF; TxR
Author: Neil Shcherbunov
Annotation: The article describes changes and innovations in the mechanism of Code Access Security (CAS) introduced in version 4.0. of the NET Framework

Keywords: Code Access Security, CAS, .NET Framework, .NET Framework 4.0, Security Transparent Code
Author: Sergey Teplyakov
Annotation: This article describes new features for C# 5 programming languages that facilitate asynchronous programming.

Keywords: C# 5; asynchronous programming; multithreading
Author: Name Surname
Annotation: Данная статья посвящена сразу двум нововведениям в Windows 7, облегчающим работу с телефонами, принтерами, плеерами и другим оборудованием. Речь о новой папке “Устройства и принтеры” и страницах Device Stage.

Keywords: Device Stage;
Author: Andriy Klyuchevskyy
Translator: Andriy Klyuchevskyy
Source: Software Know How blog
Contributor: Andriy Klyuchevskyy
Annotation: This article makes an introduction to Windows Imaging API, as well as three typical OS image operations - capture, apply and delete - are covered.

Keywords: WIMGAPI; WIM; Windows Imaging API;

Система программирования MMIXAL.NET

Author: Nikouline Peter
Annotation: Describes a programming system MMIXAL.NET. We consider the architecture of the virtual machine MMIX.

Keywords: architecture; assembler; debugger; interpritator; C #; MMIXAL.NET; MMIX; MMIXAL;
Author: Nikouline Peter
Annotation: We consider loading and storing instructions, arithmetic and conditional instructions, bitwise and bytewise operations, immediate constants, jumps and branches, subroutine calls, system instruction

Keywords: instruction; MMIXAL.NET; MMIX; MMIXAL;