Re: Декларативные описания GUI (XML)
От: c-smile Канада
Дата: 25.04.05 15:56
Здравствуйте, fuxx, Вы писали:

Ты забыл про просто HTML.
Как средство layout он работает хорошо.

Вот кстати мой новый проект: Harmonia project —
UI framework для D который включает HTML engine (Open Source).

Само демо здесь

Вот так выглядит этот demo внутри:

import harmonia.ui.application;
import harmonia.ui.window;
import harmonia.ui.widget;
import harmonia.ui.controls.editbox;
import harmonia.ui.controls.scrollbar;
import harmonia.ui.controls.listbox;
import harmonia.ui.controls.buttons;
import harmonia.html.view;
import harmonia.gx.images;

//| static module ctor
//| Harmonia way to setup GUI application

static this() 
  Application.onStart = 
    // Runtime started. Statics were intitalized.
    // Voulez-vous dancer? 
    function void() 
      // create MainWindow here
      (new MyWindow()).state = Window.STATE.SHOWN;

  Application.onStop = 
    // All windows closed so do graceful quit.
    function void() 
      // close files, etc.

class MyWindow: Window 
  Image     im;
  HtmlPanel hp;

  static Command cmdTest;
  static this()
    cmdTest = new Command("test", "Test", "Tests command button");

    // button on top left corner
      Button b = new CommandButton(cmdTest);
      this ~= b; = rect(10,10,80,30);
    // listbox below
      ListBox lb = new ListBox();
      this ~= lb; = rect(10,40,80,140);
    // fill it by items
      static string[] items =
        "Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six",
      lb.addItems( items );

    // HTML panel  
      hp = new HtmlPanel();
      this ~= hp;

  <H1 padding=3px back-color='edit dialog'>H1:This is <I>HTML text</I> &nbsp;loaded into <B>HTMLPanel</B> - simple non scrollable HTML container.</H1>
  <P>Inline image:<IMG src='test.png'/> and <CODE> code example; </CODE></P>
  <P height=100% padding=10pt border-width=3px border-style='solid none none none' border-color=dialog-shadow >
    This paragraph declared as <CODE>&lt;P height=100%&gt;</CODE>. This means that it will take 100% of height left from other elements.
    This is a major difference from standard HTML - percents here are <I>percents from free space</I>.
    <BR/>Notice 3 pixel bar at the left side - it is left border of the paragraph. Such percents are used instead of flex'es in XUL.</P>
  <TABLE cellspacing=10px cellpadding=10px padding=10px border-width=1px border-style=solid border-color=dialog-shadow >
    <TD width=30%>Inline editbox: <INPUT type=text value='hello world' width=100px />
and button:<INPUT type=button value='button' width=60px />
and combobox:
<INPUT type=select width=60px>
        <OPTION>Six Six Six Six Six Six Six Six</OPTION>
      <TD width=40 back-color='dialog-light scrollbar' border='1px solid dialog-shadow'>1</TD>
      <TD border='1px solid dialog-shadow' text-align=right>right aligned cell with border</TD>
      <TD back-color='dialog-light scrollbar' border='1px solid dialog-shadow'>2</TD>
      <TD colspan=2 back-color='dialog-light dialog-shadow'>colspan=2, table cells with gradient backgrounds</TD>
      <TD back-color='dialog-light dialog-light scrollbar dialog-shadow'>3</TD>
  <P>Hyperlink test: <A href=''>Terra Informatica</A></P>
</HTML>"); = rect(100,10,220,300);
      im = Image.load("pngtest.png");
      //assert(im !== null);


  override void drawContent(Graphics g)
      if(im !== null)
        // draw the Bird - PNG with alpha
        auto Graphics ig = new Graphics(im);
        rect  src = rect(im.dimension);
        point dst = place.pointOf(9); // top right corner, see NUM keypad why 9
              dst.x -= im.dimension.x;

  override void doLayout()
     rect r =;
     r.corner = place.corner - 10; = r;


  bool on(EventCommand evt)    
    if(evt.cmd is cmdTest && evt.exec)    
      Window popw = new Window(TYPE.POPUP, this);
      popw.state = STATE.SHOWN;
      return true;   
    return false; 
  } // return true to stop traversing

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