Free Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
От: Павел Кузнецов  
Дата: 17.04.04 00:44
Оценка: 120 (14)
Microsoft выпустила бесплатную версию оптимизирующего компилятора C++.

What is the Visual C++ Toolkit 2003?
The Visual C++ Toolkit is a free edition of Microsoft’s professional Visual C++ optimizing compiler and standard libraries – the same optimizing compiler and standard libraries that ship in Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional!

Are there any restrictions on how I use the Visual C++ Toolkit?
In general, no. You may use the Toolkit to build C++ -based applications, and you may redistribute those applications. Please read the End User License Agreement (EULA), included with the Toolkit, for complete details.

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