Re: Недокументированный Visual C++ 6.0
От: Alex Alexandrov США  
Дата: 22.05.05 08:03
Здравствуйте, Юрий Губанов (перевод), Вы писали:

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Ник проработал некоторое время в Microsoft в качестве менеджера проекта по созданию Managed C++. Однако сейчас в Microsoft он не работает. Интересно, почему?

может быть найден здесь:

Nick Hodapp, Visual C++ product manager and all-around good guy, is leaving Microsoft next week to go make video games. Nick joined Microsoft a few months before I did and was always a good person to learn "new guy" stuff from and bounce stupid "new guy" questions off of (because he had been asking them a few months before I was). I must admit that I'm a little jealous of Nick's new job, which is as at Oberon Media, makers of Inspector Parker, one of my favorite casual games. Although I'm sad to see him go, I'm especially glad that he isn't landing at a competitor

Хотя, конечно, мы не знаем всей подоплеки и интриг...
It's kind of fun to do the impossible (Walt Disney)
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