От: CrystaX Россия https://crystax.me/
Дата: 20.11.05 22:01
 * Copyright (c) 2005 by Dmitry Moskalchuk aka CrystaX
 * mailto:crystax@gmail.com
 * All rights reserved.

#ifndef UNITS_HPP
#define UNITS_HPP

#include <iostream>

#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/at.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>

#include <cmath>

namespace units

namespace helpers

using boost::mpl::vector;
using boost::mpl::int_;
using boost::mpl::at;
using boost::mpl::size;

// system tags

//               mass    length   time  temperature      light intensity
//                 |        |       |        |                   |
//                 |        |       |        | current strength  |  quantity of substance
//                 |        |       |        |        |          |      |
//                 v        v       v        v        v          v      v
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > mass_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > length_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > time_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > temperature_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > current_strength_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0> > light_intensity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1> > quantity_of_substance_tag;

typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > area_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<3>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > volume_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > velocity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > acceleration_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > angular_velocity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > angular_acceleration_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > density_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<1>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > force_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<-2>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > specific_gravity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > pressure_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > linear_momentum_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > moment_of_inertia_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > energy_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > power_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > dynamic_viscosity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<-1>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > kinematic_viscosity_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-2>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > heat_capacity_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-2>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > entropy_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<2>, int_<-2>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > specific_heat_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<2>, int_<-2>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<0> > specific_entropy_tag;

typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > charge_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<-1>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > linear_density_of_charge_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<-2>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > surface_density_of_charge_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<-2>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > electric_flux_density_tag;
typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<-3>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > packed_density_of_charge_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > voltage_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<1>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<-1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > electric_force_tag;

typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<2>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0> > resistance_tag;
typedef vector<int_<1>, int_<3>, int_<-3>, int_<0>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0> > specific_resistance_tag;

typedef vector<int_<-1>, int_<-2>, int_<4>, int_<0>, int_<2>, int_<0>, int_<0> > permittance_tag;

typedef vector<int_<0>, int_<-2>, int_<0>, int_<0>, int_<1>, int_<0>, int_<0> > current_density_tag;

// utils
template <bool Condition, typename T1, typename T2> struct if_else;
template <typename T1, typename T2> struct if_else<true, T1, T2> {typedef T1 type;};
template <typename T1, typename T2> struct if_else<false, T1, T2> {typedef T2 type;};

template <typename T1, typename T2> struct add_;
template <int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, int N6, int N7,
    int M1, int M2, int M3, int M4, int M5, int M6, int M7
struct add_<
    vector<int_<N1>, int_<N2>, int_<N3>, int_<N4>, int_<N5>, int_<N6>, int_<N7> >,
    vector<int_<M1>, int_<M2>, int_<M3>, int_<M4>, int_<M5>, int_<M6>, int_<M7> >
    typedef vector<int_<N1 + M1>, int_<N2 + M2>, int_<N3 + M3>, int_<N4 + M4>, int_<N5 + M5>,
        int_<N6 + M6>, int_<N7 + M7> > type;

template <typename T1, typename T2> struct substract_;
template <int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, int N6, int N7,
int M1, int M2, int M3, int M4, int M5, int M6, int M7
struct substract_<
    vector<int_<N1>, int_<N2>, int_<N3>, int_<N4>, int_<N5>, int_<N6>, int_<N7> >,
    vector<int_<M1>, int_<M2>, int_<M3>, int_<M4>, int_<M5>, int_<M6>, int_<M7> >
    typedef vector<int_<N1 - M1>, int_<N2 - M2>, int_<N3 - M3>, int_<N4 - M4>, int_<N5 - M5>,
        int_<N6 - M6>, int_<N7 - M7> > type;

template <int Value, unsigned Power>
struct meta_power
    static int const value = meta_power<Value, Power - 1>::value * Value;

template <int Value>
struct meta_power<Value, 0>
    static int const value = 1;

template <typename Fraction, int Power>
struct fraction_power
    static int const nominator = if_else<Power < 0, meta_power<Fraction::denominator, -Power>,
        meta_power<Fraction::nominator, Power> >::type::value;
    static int const denominator = if_else<Power < 0, meta_power<Fraction::nominator, -Power>,
        meta_power<Fraction::denominator, Power> >::type::value;

// traits

template <typename Tag, typename System1, typename System2>
struct unit_traits
    typedef unit_traits<mass_tag, System1, System2> mass_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<length_tag, System1, System2> length_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<time_tag, System1, System2> time_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<temperature_tag, System1, System2> temperature_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<current_strength_tag, System1, System2> current_strength_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<light_intensity_tag, System1, System2> light_intensity_traits;
    typedef unit_traits<quantity_of_substance_tag, System1, System2> quantity_of_substance_traits;

    static int const p1 = at<Tag, int_<0> >::type::value;
    static int const p2 = at<Tag, int_<1> >::type::value;
    static int const p3 = at<Tag, int_<2> >::type::value;
    static int const p4 = at<Tag, int_<3> >::type::value;
    static int const p5 = at<Tag, int_<4> >::type::value;
    static int const p6 = at<Tag, int_<5> >::type::value;
    static int const p7 = at<Tag, int_<6> >::type::value;

    static int const nominator =
        fraction_power<mass_traits, p1>::nominator *
        fraction_power<length_traits, p2>::nominator *
        fraction_power<time_traits, p3>::nominator *
        fraction_power<temperature_traits, p4>::nominator *
        fraction_power<current_strength_traits, p5>::nominator *
        fraction_power<light_intensity_traits, p6>::nominator *
        fraction_power<quantity_of_substance_traits, p7>::nominator;
    static int const denominator = 
        fraction_power<mass_traits, p1>::denominator *
        fraction_power<length_traits, p2>::denominator *
        fraction_power<time_traits, p3>::denominator *
        fraction_power<temperature_traits, p4>::denominator *
        fraction_power<current_strength_traits, p5>::denominator *
        fraction_power<light_intensity_traits, p6>::denominator *
        fraction_power<quantity_of_substance_traits, p7>::denominator;
    static int const power =
        p1 * mass_traits::power +
        p2 * length_traits::power +
        p3 * time_traits::power +
        p4 * temperature_traits::power +
        p5 * current_strength_traits::power +
        p6 * light_intensity_traits::power +
        p7 * quantity_of_substance_traits::power;

namespace systems

struct SI {};
struct CGS {};
struct EXT {};

} // namespace systems

template <>
struct unit_traits<mass_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    // kg to g -> 1/1000
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = -3;

template <>
struct unit_traits<mass_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    // g to kg -> 1000/1
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 3;

template <>
struct unit_traits<length_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    // m to sm
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = -2;

template <>
struct unit_traits<length_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    // sm to m
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 2;

template <>
struct unit_traits<time_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<time_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<temperature_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<temperature_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<current_strength_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 3;
    static int const power = -9;

template <>
struct unit_traits<current_strength_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 3;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 9;

template <>
struct unit_traits<light_intensity_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<light_intensity_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<quantity_of_substance_tag, systems::SI, systems::CGS>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<quantity_of_substance_tag, systems::CGS, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 1;
    static int const denominator = 1;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<power_tag, systems::SI, systems::EXT>
    static int const nominator = 1471;
    static int const denominator = 2;
    static int const power = 0;

template <>
struct unit_traits<power_tag, systems::EXT, systems::SI>
    static int const nominator = 2;
    static int const denominator = 1471;
    static int const power = 0;

} // namespace helpers

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
class unit
    explicit unit(T const &t = T()) :value(t) {}
    unit(unit const &u) :value(u.value) {}

    template <typename OtherSystem>
    unit(unit<T, OtherSystem, Tag> const &u)
        :value(u.base() * std::pow(10., helpers::unit_traits<Tag, System, OtherSystem>::power) *
        helpers::unit_traits<Tag, System, OtherSystem>::nominator /
        helpers::unit_traits<Tag, System, OtherSystem>::denominator)

    T const &base() const {return value;}

    unit operator-() const {return unit(-value);}
    unit const &operator+() const {return *this;}
    unit &operator+() {return *this;}

    unit &operator+=(unit const &rhs) {value += rhs.value; return *this;}
    unit &operator-=(unit const &rhs) {value -= rhs.value; return *this;}

    unit &operator++() {++value; return *this;}
    unit operator++(int ) {unit tmp(*this); ++value; return tmp;}

    unit &operator--() {--value; return *this;}
    unit operator--(int ) {unit tmp(*this); --value; return tmp;}

    template <typename Scalar>
    unit &operator*=(Scalar const &rhs) {value *= rhs; return *this;}

    template <typename Scalar>
    unit &operator/=(Scalar const &rhs) {value /= rhs; return *this;}

    T value;

template <typename T>
inline T val(T const &v) {return v;}

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
inline T val(unit<T, System, Tag> const &v) {return v.base();}

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, unit<T, System, Tag> const &u)
    s << val(u);
    return s;

template <typename T, typename System1, typename System2, typename Tag>
unit<T, System1, Tag> operator+(unit<T, System1, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System2, Tag> const &y)
    unit<T, System1, Tag> tmp(x);
    return tmp += y;

template <typename T, typename System1, typename System2, typename Tag>
unit<T, System1, Tag> operator-(unit<T, System1, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System2, Tag> const &y)
    unit<T, System1, Tag> tmp(x);
    return tmp -= y;

template <typename T, typename System1, typename System2, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
unit<T, System1, typename helpers::add_<Tag1, Tag2>::type>
operator*(unit<T, System1, Tag1> const &x, unit<T, System2, Tag2> const &y)
    unit<T, System1, Tag2> tmp(y);
    return unit<T, System1, typename helpers::add_<Tag1, Tag2>::type>(x.base() * tmp.base());

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag, typename U>
unit<T, System, Tag> operator*(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, U const &y)
    unit<T, System, Tag> tmp(x);
    return tmp *= y;

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag, typename U>
unit<T, System, Tag> operator*(U const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    unit<T, System, Tag> tmp(y);
    return tmp *= x;

template <typename T, typename System1, typename System2, typename Tag1, typename Tag2>
unit<T, System1, typename helpers::substract_<Tag1, Tag2>::type>
operator/(unit<T, System1, Tag1> const &x, unit<T, System2, Tag2> const &y)
    unit<T, System1, Tag2> tmp(y);
    return unit<T, System1, typename helpers::substract_<Tag1, Tag2>::type>(x.base() / tmp.base());

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag, typename U>
unit<T, System, Tag> operator/(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, U const &y)
    unit<T, System, Tag> tmp(x);
    return tmp /= y;

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag, typename U>
unit<T, System, Tag> operator/(U const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    unit<T, System, Tag> tmp(y);
    return tmp /= x;

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator==(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return x.base() == y.base();

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator<(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return x.base() < y.base();

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator!=(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return !(x == y);

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator>=(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return !(x < y);

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator<=(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return !(y < x);

template <typename T, typename System, typename Tag>
bool operator>(unit<T, System, Tag> const &x, unit<T, System, Tag> const &y)
    return y < x;

namespace si

typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::mass_tag> mass;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::length_tag> length;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::time_tag> time;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::temperature_tag> temperature;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::current_strength_tag> current_strength;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::light_intensity_tag> light_intensity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::quantity_of_substance_tag> quantity_of_substance;

typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::area_tag> area;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::volume_tag> volume;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::velocity_tag> velocity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::acceleration_tag> acceleration;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::angular_velocity_tag> angular_velocity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::angular_acceleration_tag> angular_acceleration;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::density_tag> density;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::force_tag> force;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::specific_gravity_tag> specific_gravity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::pressure_tag> pressure;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::linear_momentum_tag> linear_momentum;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::moment_of_inertia_tag> moment_of_inertia;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::energy_tag> energy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::power_tag> power;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::dynamic_viscosity_tag> dynamic_viscosity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::kinematic_viscosity_tag> kinematic_viscosity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::heat_capacity_tag> heat_capacity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::specific_heat_tag> specific_heat;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::entropy_tag> entropy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::specific_entropy_tag> specific_entropy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::charge_tag> charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::linear_density_of_charge_tag> linear_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::surface_density_of_charge_tag> surface_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::electric_flux_density_tag> electric_flux_density;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::packed_density_of_charge_tag> packed_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::voltage_tag> voltage;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::electric_force_tag> electric_force;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::resistance_tag> resistance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::specific_resistance_tag> specific_resistance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::permittance_tag> permittance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::SI, helpers::current_density_tag> current_density;

} // namespace si

namespace cgs

typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::mass_tag> mass;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::length_tag> length;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::time_tag> time;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::temperature_tag> temperature;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::current_strength_tag> current_strength;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::light_intensity_tag> light_intensity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::quantity_of_substance_tag> quantity_of_substance;

typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::area_tag> area;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::volume_tag> volume;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::velocity_tag> velocity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::acceleration_tag> acceleration;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::angular_velocity_tag> angular_velocity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::angular_acceleration_tag> angular_acceleration;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::density_tag> density;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::force_tag> force;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::specific_gravity_tag> specific_gravity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::pressure_tag> pressure;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::linear_momentum_tag> linear_momentum;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::moment_of_inertia_tag> moment_of_inertia;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::energy_tag> energy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::power_tag> power;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::dynamic_viscosity_tag> dynamic_viscosity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::kinematic_viscosity_tag> kinematic_viscosity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::heat_capacity_tag> heat_capacity;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::specific_heat_tag> specific_heat;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::entropy_tag> entropy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::specific_entropy_tag> specific_entropy;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::charge_tag> charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::linear_density_of_charge_tag> linear_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::surface_density_of_charge_tag> surface_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::electric_flux_density_tag> electric_flux_density;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::packed_density_of_charge_tag> packed_density_of_charge;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::voltage_tag> voltage;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::electric_force_tag> electric_force;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::resistance_tag> resistance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::specific_resistance_tag> specific_resistance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::permittance_tag> permittance;
typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::CGS, helpers::current_density_tag> current_density;

} // namespace cgs

namespace ext

typedef unit<long double, helpers::systems::EXT, helpers::power_tag> power;

} // namespace ext

} // namespace units

... << RSDN@Home 1.1.4 stable rev. 510>>
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