Questions About GDPR Data Access Proces
От: andy  
Дата: 18.04.21 03:53
Пришло письмо от слишком любопытной американки с почтового домена следующего содержания

My name is Mary Shelling, and I am a resident of Roanoke, Virginia. I have a
few questions about your process for responding to General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) data access requests:

1. Would you process a GDPR data access request from me even though I am not a resident of the European Union?
2. Do you process GDPR data access requests via email, a website, or telephone? If via a website, what is the URL I should go to?
3. What personal information do I have to submit for you to verify and process a GDPR data access request?
4. What information do you provide in response to a GDPR data access request?

To be clear, I am not submitting a data access request at this time. My
questions are about your process for when I do submit a request.

Thank you in advance for your answers to these questions. If there is a better
contact for processing GDPR requests regarding, I
kindly ask that you forward my request to them.

I look forward to your reply without undue delay and at most within one month
of this email, as required by Article 12 of GDPR.

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