Северокорейские шароварщики
От: edton  
Дата: 19.05.19 05:18
В продолжение Бан (потенциальный) на софт из России
Автор: edton
Дата: 16.05.19
или про то, что можно просто открыть бизнес за рубежом...

Такая вот статейка на CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2019/05/18/asia/hanoi-north-korea-restaurant-facial-recognition-software-intl/index.html

Our understanding is that programmers who are working overseas generate as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars for the regime every year, so they have a disproportionate capacity to raise funds overseas...

Furthermore, experts warn that North Korean software designers who create and sell these products online could be building hidden back doors for Pyongyang's well-trained hackers to exploit...

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