Grow Your Email List With BitsDuJour!
От: x64 Россия
Дата: 02.04.12 20:50
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We're unrolling something brand new over here at BitsDuJour and I wanted you to be among the first to know about it. But first, a question.

How much is an email address worth to you?

Lately we've been thinking a lot about this concept. About the lifetime value of a customer. About paid upgrades and cross-promotions. About how in our industry an initial purchase is only the tip of the iceberg.

Which is why we're so excited to announce our brand new promotional service:

BitsDuJour 100% Coupons!

The concept is simple. You provide us with a list of registration codes, we hand them out to our customers — free of charge — for a 24 hour period. In return you get the email address of the customer. Add them to your list, offer them upgrades, cross-grades, and whatever else you've got to sell. It's that simple.

No, neither of us make any money up front. But we went ahead and did the math for ourselves. Our conclusions? Sacrificing one of our promotional slots for an influx of new customers is absolutely worth it. And we think it will be for you, too. We've already done some testing and found that quadruple-digit registrations are a reasonable expectation. That's potentially thousands of pinpoint-targeted customers. Not to mention a whole bunch of free PR!

Interested in participating? Shoot us an email and we'll get you on the 100% schedule as soon as possible. Setup is quick and easy, and comes with the same professional attitude, whiz-bang copywriting services, and attentive comment moderation that you've come to expect from Bits. That part is on us :)

FYI, we ran a test several days ago. 7,000+ emails and reposts all around the web, including FatWallet and SlickDeals :)

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