Новые тарифы RegNow - в чем подвох?
От: Qbra  
Дата: 13.10.11 18:18
Недавно RegNow разослали всем письма о снижении тарифов и отмене обязательного использования их доп. сервисов. Сразу стало интересно, что же там насчет чарджбэков. Так вот, здесь-то собака и зарыта. Если у вас чарджбэки вышли за 2.5% от оборота, что довольно легко сделать при нынешних капризных и скупых юзерах, а также американской моде на злоупотребление возвратами, то Regnow наложит на вас штраф в 50 (!!) баксов за каждый чарджбэк. Это имхо не в какие ворота. Какие еще у народа мнения будут?

in the event (a) the number of sales transactions for any of Your
Products resold by RegNow subject to a Chargeback of any form during any
given calendar month exceeds One and One-Half Percent (1.5%) of the
total number of sales transactions for that Product by RegNow during
that calendar month, or (b) the number of sales transactions of all of
Your Products resold by RegNow subject to a Chargeback of any form
during any given calendar month exceeds One and One-Half Percent (1.5%)
of the total number of sales transactions for Your Products during that
calendar month, You agree that RegNow may charge Your account twenty
five dollars ($25) per Chargeback in excess of that threshold during
that calendar month. In the event (a) the number of sales transactions
for any of Your Products resold by RegNow subject to a Chargeback of any
form during any given calendar month exceeds Two and One-Half Percent
(2.5%) of the total number of sales transactions for that Product by
RegNow during that calendar month, or (b) the number of sales
transactions of all of Your Products resold by RegNow subject to a
Chargeback of any form during any given calendar month exceeds Two and
One-Half Percent (2.5%) of the total number of sales transactions for
Your Products during that calendar month, You agree that RegNow may
charge Your account fifty dollars ($50) per Chargeback in excess of that
threshold during that calendar month. Without limiting the foregoing, in
the event any of the above thresholds is achieved in a given calendar
month, RegNow may also, in its sole discretion, refuse to sell the
affected Product(s) and/or may immediately terminate this Agreement upon
notice to You.

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