Патентные новости из штатов
От: 8001 Россия  
Дата: 10.09.11 21:56
Оценка: 43 (5)
Патентовать софт в США стало труднее:

  1. Steps that can be performed entirely by a human mind are not patentable – even when they are embodied in computer-readable storage media (i.e., "Beauregard" claims) – because the "application of [only] human intelligence to the solution of practical problems is no more than a claim to a fundamental principle." (Citing the Federal Circuit's own language in its previous Bilski decision.)
  2. Adding data-gathering steps does not make an otherwise nonstatutory claim statutory.
  3. Courts look to the underlying invention even if the preamble is directed to a statutory class other than a method.
  4. Although adding software to a general-purpose computer makes the computer a special-purpose computer, simply reciting the use of a computer to execute an algorithm that can be performed entirely in the human mind does not make the algorithm patentable.
  5. The patent applicant has the burden of demonstrating that claims drawn to a specific apparatus are distinct from other apparatuses capable of performing identical functions.
  6. The "mere manipulation or reorganization of data" does not satisfy the transformation prong of the "machine-or-transformation" test.
  7. To satisfy the machine prong of the "machine-or-transformation" test, "the use of the machine 'must impose meaningful limits on the claim's scope.'" (Citing the Federal Circuit's language in Bilski.)

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