Re: Plimus в испании доступен?
От: Дон Педро  
Дата: 07.05.11 22:56
Написал ему, что может его файрвол блокирует. Ответ:

You are right. It is blocked by explorer and thungderbird.
This is what i found about this company in a forum:

A very good advice, never use PLIMUS.COM!
I speak from experience!
First this company asked my 21% EU VAT; very eccentric that an USA payment processor ask for VAT into the EU.
Thereafter when my payment was done by credit card, I received at least 7 e-mails from this maniacs asking a phone number to confirm my order by phone. At last, my payment was cancelled since I refused make phone conversation in the middle of the night. (we live in Europe !!!!!!)
So, I you want do business and you are devoted to your customers DO NOT USE PLIMUS.COM!

And if you look on internet you find more about them.

Жалобы на форумах это понятно, но причем тут explorer и thungderbird?
Посоветуйте что ему ответить? Плимус прозванивает ордера 30 баксовые или только дорогие?
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