Chad Mohling (ex-TrialPay) жжот
От: Аноним  
Дата: 09.06.10 17:09
Оценка: :)
ололошеньки, похоже Chad Mohling съ***л из TrialPay прихватив с собой всю клиентскую базенку.

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I was hoping to get into touch with someone at <COMPANY_NAME> who I could speak to regarding your ecommerce and marketing efforts. I represent a company called Adknowledge and was looking to discuss our newest product called Cambyo Offer Payments.

Cambyo can allow your users to earn a free product of yours by simply completing one of our advertiser offers. Imagine a visitor to your site wants your product but for some reason isn't wiling to pay for it. They could simply complete one of our offers and then get your product for free, we in turn take the bounty earned from that advertiser and pay you for your product.

Offer payments are a great way to increase your revenue and convert more of your traffic into paid users. If you would like to view a quick presentation you can do so at this link: (ведет на презенташку на google docs)

Please let me know if someone there would have a few minutes to further discuss this.

Thank you,

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