Re: Payoneer at RAC
От: lozzy  
Дата: 30.01.08 17:30
Оценка: +2 -1
Здравствуйте, Roman Odaisky, Вы писали:


Actually it [Payoneer] is available now on the site (it was just released) but we have not announced it yet. You can sign up for it now if you like. You will need to set up the payoneer option on RAC and then go ahead and follow the directions. You will have to register with payoneer and if you don't get your card on time, you can always switch back to another payment method for now.

Это скорее новость не сюда, а куда-нить в "О работе".
Payoneer at RAC
От: Roman Odaisky Украина  
Дата: 30.01.08 16:59
Оценка: 4 (1)

Actually it [Payoneer] is available now on the site (it was just released) but we have not announced it yet. You can sign up for it now if you like. You will need to set up the payoneer option on RAC and then go ahead and follow the directions. You will have to register with payoneer and if you don't get your card on time, you can always switch back to another payment method for now.

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