Письмо от радиоведущего
От: Hoochie  
Дата: 11.12.06 21:50
Оценка: -1
Кто-нибудь получал такое письмо? Интересно это реальное предложение или "универсальное письмо для развода на ключ"? Вроде контакты в конце похожи на реальные, но могли вписать и от балды. Стараюсь никогда не недооценивать евреев

My name is Izi xxxx and I am working in Voice of Israel (Israeli Radio) in Jerusalem as a presenter and producer of radio shows. I present and produce news and music shows in the News Channel, in which I also feature interesting and useful sites on the web. Up till now I have presented more that 6000 sites. I have heard a lot of compliments about your software, and even without trying it I presented your site a few times and keep forwarding many-many journalists, colleagues, listeners and students from all over the world, with whom I keep in touch and have professional contacts, to see your excellent work — and to spread the word (of course, the good word!).

In order to present your site, and give the best and most reliable and updated presentation, also to my students in some universities and colleges in Israel, I would appreciate if you can send me any updated information about your company and products. I know that most info appears on the web these days, but I know that people who hear me wish to see a hard copy media/press kit and any printed brochures, booklets, maps and other publications, which I can also use for reference in my office and also show my colleagues, students and those interested while not being on line and in social and professional events. I am very much interested to present your site also in a lecture I am due to give to senior directors here, and I am sure this info could be helpful when presenting your amazing work.

For my presentations, I would very much appreciate if you can also send me the box with your xxxxx xxxxxxx or a key to use it for demonstration and review and any available promotional items of your company such as some T-shirts or sweat shirts (I would be grateful if you can send a large or medium for promotion), a mug, stationary or other public relations souvenirs bearing your logo. I know the budgets of publicity are low these days, but I know how many customers and clients I brought to many companies around the world. I also found that even for companies who do not sell their products in Israel, still — in this global village — my listeners bought products which I recommended either via the web sites or while traveling and via relatives who live in the USA, Canada or Europe. From the feedback I receive, I also learnt that nowadays the reputation of a company is built also around the world and far from the boundaries of local commerce or distribution.

I thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you soon.


Izi xxxx
presenter and producer

Izi xxxx
Voice of Israel
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx St., Jerusalem 91010 Israel
Tel +972-xxxxxxxxx fax+972-xxxxxxxxx mobile +972-xxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxx@netvision.net.il xxxx@iba.org.il
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