Чего хочет пользователь?
От: khatsko  
Дата: 31.08.06 04:58
Пользователь написал?

We are in the process of developing a membership website that markets our Live video seminar presentations over the Internet. These seminars that are live broadcasts on certain dates and times.

We are looking for a desktop solution that will use our custom skin and alert our members to the next seminar times and dates. We would like this application to also work as a communication tool to send new updated information and reminders to the members desktop.

Assuming we could get your software to work for our application what kind of lic. would we need. You mention about the company lic. and it costing $800.00 for unlimited downloads for all employees. We want our members to have access to this downloadable software as a free application. Would you allow this to apply for our application and domain.

Программа — часики для десктопа. На сайте написано что безлимитная лицнзия стоит $800. Он хочет купить unlimited license или хочет доработку программы?
Что это значит "We want our members to have access to this downloadable software as a free application"?
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