Похоже нас как всегда разводят.
Хотел на днях перейти на новую комиссию у RegNow, на что получил следующий ответ:
Your request for new pricing has been declined.
We have received your request for the rate reduction to 6.9% plus $1.
Unfortunately, one of the requirements has not been met.
Please refer to the section "What Do You Promise Us?" in the agreement
that states "- In consideration of using our Affiliate Network and
gaining access to its affiliates, services and resources, you agree you
will not display links, redirects, or direct traffic of any means to a
non-DR Affiliate Network supported ecommerce system. (This is necessary
to ensure that all traffic and subsequent sales generated by affiliates
are properly identified and the referring affiliate is paid its
appropriate affiliate commission.)"
Оказывается надо выполнить более жесткие условия, чем те, что в соглажении:
To be eligible for Site Level certification, you must meet the following criteria:
— Any download links on your website must use RegNow affiliate commerce tracking.
— You must use RegNow affiliate commerce tracking exclusively on your websites. This means that all of your website buy links/trial buy links/etc. must use RegNow affiliate commerce tracking so that affiliate sales can be tracked and reported.
— No alternate payment methods which do not recognize the RegNow affiliate commerce tracking.
— For all software products you have made available on your website, all buy links/trial buy links/etc. on your website for those products must use RegNow affiliate commerce tracking. For exceptions please see the Frequently Asked Questions below.