1.4.0 stable
От: AndrewVK Россия http://blogs.rsdn.org/avk
Дата: 09.09.17 21:45
Оценка: 3 (1)

What's new in 1.4.0-rc2
* ToLookupDictionary renamed to ToDictionary
* TaskHelper additional overloads
* Refactoring, fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.4.0-rc1
* PathHelpers + IoCode assertions
* EnumHelper.GetDisplayName/Description/both
* EnumHelper.IsDefined(string)
* ToLookupDictionary() helper to fill lookup dictionaries
* EnumValues class that stores enum value metadata
* DateTimeExtensions fixes
* Task.WaitAll/Any and WhenAll/Any (FW4.5+ only) infix helpers
* AsyncLock class (FW4.5+ only)
* TempData: SuppressDelete() method, overload for GetTempName() that accepts desired file extension
* ValueTypes dependency update
* Refactoring, fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.4.0-beta2
* .NET FW 4.7 support (remove dependency from System.ValueTuple package)
* System.Uri assertions and helper
* Refactoring and code cleanup

What's new in 1.4.0-beta1
* IsDebugAssembly moved from ReflectionExtension to AssemblyExtension
* ReflectionExtension.GetModulePath method added
* Refactoring and code cleanup

... << RSDN@Home 1.0.0 alpha 5 rev. 0 on Windows 8 6.2.9200.0>>
AVK Blog
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