1.2.0 stable
От: AndrewVK Россия http://blogs.rsdn.org/avk
Дата: 30.11.16 09:46

What's new in 1.2.0
* Code cleanup

What's new in 1.2.0-rc1
* Use Range struct instead of ValueTuple in public API
* Refactoring, fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.2.0-beta4
* Suffix tree moved from Experimental to Main part
* Doc comment fixes
* Refactorung, fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.2.0-beta3
* ArrayExtensions and StringExtensions optimization
* CsvFormat.EscapeValue optimized and made public
* Use System.ValueTuple instead of CodeJam.ValueTuple (possible breaking changes)
* CompositeRanges moved from Experimental to Main part
* TableData improvements: CSV printer fixes, fixed with printer, shortcut methods for specific formats
* Doc comment fixes

What's new in 1.2.0-beta2
* Composite ranges structures and algorithms
* EnumCode — assertions for enums
* Sequence generators
* TraceSource added for CodeJam diagnostics
* DateTime extensions
* Fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.2.0-beta1
* HGlobal improvements
* Code.ValidCount and Code.BugIf assertions
* Added a way to create a TempFile wrapper with a default temp name without a real creation of a file.
* Add execution synchronized LazyDictionary implementation
* Fixes and code cleanup

... << RSDN@Home 1.0.0 alpha 5 rev. 0 on Windows 8 6.2.9200.0>>
AVK Blog
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