1.1.0 stable
От: AndrewVK Россия http://blogs.rsdn.org/avk
Дата: 07.09.16 11:44

What's new in 1.1.0
* Code cleanup

What's new in 1.1.0-rc2
* Contains and ContainsSuffix methods in SuffixTree
* StartingWith method in SuffixTree

What's new in 1.1.0-rc1
* HGlobal and HGlobal<T> helpers
* Range struct with algorithms
* Map.DeepCopy method
* Doc comment fixes
* Fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.1.0-beta5
* Option struct split into Option class and ValueOption struct
* NullableHelper.AsNullable method
* Set of classes to build fast mapper
* EnumerableExtensions.ToHashSet overloads
* Lazy<T> factory methods
* Suffix tree implementation
* Fixes and code cleanup
* Experimental .NET Framework 3.5 support

What's new in 1.1.0-beta4
* EnumerableExtensions.GroupTopoSort methods
* EnumerableExtensions.TopoSort methods reimplemented using GroupTopoSort
* EnumerableExtensions.TopoSort methods refactoring
* Lazy.Create helpers for type inference
* Enumerable.SelectMany overload with Fn<T>.Self as selector
* NullableHelper.GetValueOrDefault method with default value factory
* ToByteSizeString overloads for Int32
* Fix Resharper markup in Code class
* Fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.1.0-beta3
* New ComparerBuilder.GetEqualityComparer overload
* Option<T> improvements and refactoring
* ReflectionExtensions.ToNullableUnderlying and ToEnumUnderlying methods
* Fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.1.0-beta2
* TypeAccessor class
* Negative/PositiveInfinity generic operators
* EnumerableExtensions.AggregateOrDefault methods
* ComparerBuilder class
* Exception.ToDiagnosticString() extension method
* Fixes and code cleanup

What's new in 1.1.0-beta1
* Enum helpers and operators
* Performance optimization
* Refactoring
* Fixes and code cleanup

... << RSDN@Home 1.0.0 alpha 5 rev. 0 on Windows 8 6.2.9200.0>>
AVK Blog
Отредактировано 07.09.2016 11:45 AndrewVK . Предыдущая версия .
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