[ANN] A summary of OO Priciples
От: SchweinDeBurg Россия http://zarezky.spb.ru/
Дата: 26.10.04 05:26
Оценка: 6 (1)
A summary of OO Priciples

OO Design is more than just using an OO language. Over the years many bright programmers have built up a collection of rules that help to build well designed maintainable code. This article lists the main rules of OO programming. The intention is to inspire the reader to think about these rules and make further reading. There is a lot of material on the web that drills down into more details with plenty of examples.

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Re: [ANN] A summary of OO Priciples
От: Anatolix Россия https://www.linkedin.com/in/anatolix/
Дата: 27.10.04 10:04
Здравствуйте, SchweinDeBurg, Вы писали:

SDB>A summary of OO Priciples


SDB>OO Design is more than just using an OO language. Over the years many bright programmers have built up a collection of rules that help to build well designed maintainable code. This article lists the main rules of OO programming. The intention is to inspire the reader to think about these rules and make further reading. There is a lot of material on the web that drills down into more details with plenty of examples.

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