Re[3]: Безопасный код без GC - вы готовы?
От: Don Reba Канада
Дата: 18.10.14 07:36
Здравствуйте, -n1l-, Вы писали:

N>Здравствуйте, Don Reba, Вы писали:

DR>>В кои-то веки рад переводу, ибо оригинал ужасающе неграмотен.

N>Примеры неграмотности можно?

> FizzBuzz is intended as a simple task, but in Rust there are a few pitfalls for the novice to be aware of.

Style. "Pitfalls, of which the user should be aware."

> These aren’t problems with Rust but rather differences from what people are commonly familiar with, restrictions that may seem arduous at first but ultimately give you more power, at a small cost.

"From that, with which people are commonly familiar."

Unnecessary comma before "at a small cost."

Switch from third person to first person.

> The version of Rust latest confirmed to work for this post is Rust 0.12.

"The latest version of Rust."

> If anything has broken with it, please contact me.

"If anything is broken with it" or "if anything has become broken since then."

> You might write it like this which follows, for example, a way that works fine.

Missed comma before "which." Run-on sentence. Terrible phrasing.

"You might write it like the following example, which works fine."

Ce n'est que pour vous dire ce que je vous dis.
Отредактировано 18.10.2014 7:43 Don Reba . Предыдущая версия . Еще …
Отредактировано 18.10.2014 7:37 Don Reba . Предыдущая версия .
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