Metasyntactic variable
От: igna Россия  
Дата: 29.03.07 11:00
Оценка: 1 (1) :))) :))) :))) :))
Название у темы солидное, философское, потому сюда.

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Russian: Vasya Pupkin, Private Pupkin (Вася Пупкин, рядовой Пупкин), meaning abstract person, but generally a soldier or a programmer, Asya Pupkina (Ася Пупкина) — the female counterpart of Vasya, Mukhosransk, Mukhodrishchensk, Bobruisk (Мухосранск, Муходрищенск, Бобруйск) — a town in deep province, Derevnya Gadyukino (Деревня Гадюкино) — a village in the middle of nowhere, shtuka, shtukovina — an object, hrenovina — an object with a feature or an abstraction of a feature, for example: the problem is caused by a hrenovina that connects this shtukovina with another one,
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