Re: Письмо
От: Mamut Швеция
Дата: 17.08.06 07:41
A>Marc Andreessen (
A>Thu, 25 Feb 93 21:09:02 -0800

A>I'd like to propose a new, optional HTML tag:

A>IMG ...

Интересно. Они там подумывали о том, чтобы интерпретировать входящий контент на основе его MIME-типа:

While images are at the top of my list of desired medium types in a
WWW browser, I don't think we should add idiosyncratic hooks for media
one at a time. Whatever happened to the enthusiasm for using the
MIME typing mechanism? I made a concrete proposal a few months ago,
where HREFs can point to other parts in a MIME multipart (and thereby
to an "external-body"), and I've seen a similar idea recently regarding
embedding media clips in a "simplemail" format. Don't we want to
take on something like this in HTML2?


My objection was to the discussion of "how are we going to
support embedded images" rather than "how are we going to support
embedded objections in various media".

Otherwise, next week someone is going to suggest 'lets put in a new
tag <AUD SRC="file://">' for audio.
There shouldn't be much cost in going with something that generalizes.

Эххх... В итоге у нас есть отдельно <img> и отдельно <embed>...

И еще:

Actually, maybe we should think about a general-purpose procedural
graphics language within which we can embed arbitrary hyperlinks
attached to icons, images, or text, or anything.

Это потом стало SVG


Aside from this, I'm
not sure I see the point in allowing arbitrary EMBED's for things like
chunks of texts: this is a hypertext system, after all, and it ought
to be possible to get the functional effect of an EMBED by using an
ordinary link. Right?

А сейчас нельзя сделать <a href=""><embed flash...></a>, чтобы оно работало.

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