Re: Does Visual Studio make you stupid?
От: Cyberax Марс  
Дата: 28.10.05 09:07
Оценка: 10 (2) +1 -1 :))
dmur wrote:

> Интересное выступление Чарльза Петцольда.

> Life without Visual Studio is unimaginable, and yet, no less than
> PowerPoint, Visual Studio causes us to do our jobs in various
> predefined ways, and I, for one, would be much happier if Visual
> Studio did much less than what it does. Certain features in Visual
> Studio are supposed to make us more productive, and yet for me, they
> seem to denigrate and degrade the programming experience

Мой ответ на Slashdot'е:

That article is the most idiotic I've ever seen on Slashdot....

1. Autocomplete and IntelliSense is evil. Sure, that's why every Linux
user has autocomplete turned on in his favorite shell.

2. Studio can't help me finish my programs. What an idiotic IDE! It
can't even use Windows Telepathy API to read my mind and write
everything automagicaly!

3. Criticism of WinForms is fine, but it is not really related to


PS: I use VisualStudio+VisualAssist as my primary IDE for C++, and I
don't use any code generation or wizards (aside from "New Project"
wizard) provided by VisualStudio. Currently, I help to develop
Code::Blocks IDE because there is _NO_ OpenSource IDE for C++ even
remotely as powerful as VS (and don't get me started on Emacs or ViM).

С уважением,
Alex Besogonov (
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