Re: Программирование после 40 лет
От: d Bratik  
Дата: 07.03.05 18:51
Полностью согласен. В некоторых фирмах это уже понимают. Я слышал, что промежуточный язык (IL) для платформы .NET разрабатывал дедуля, которому уже стукнуло 40 лет, но не биологического возраста, а стажа работы в индустрии программирования

Y>The value of experienced coders


Y>самое интересное


Y>You simply reach a point where there is no hope of any salary increase beyond the normal cost of living adjustments, no matter how capable you are as a software developer.


Y>I got to thinking about all of this when I read a column in the January 2005 issue of Software Development magazine by Howard Adamsky, titled Save Your Job. (Note that this link requires a paid subscription). His basic points can be summarized as follows:


    Y>Do not plan to write code for your entire career.
    Y>Learn to communicate effectively.
    Y>Develop people skills.
    Y>Move into the "people" part of the business.
    Y>Learn how to sell.
    Y>Consider consulting.


Y>There's little future for someone who only programs. Code is a commodity that can be created by other people for less money – much less. Think of coding as the beginning of a career – a great place to start, but not what you want to do for your entire professional existence.


Y>Many years ago, I would hear about a problem a user was having with one of my programs and I would often say "that is impossible." Fortunately, I've worked in organizations that did testing by watching what the user is doing via two-way mirrors. I've seen the impossible happen. I hope that in the last 10 years or so, I have become wise enough to never say something is impossible, but rather to say "I have not seen that, but let's step through exactly what you are doing."


Y>I firmly believe that much of bad software comes from a lack of imagination over how software might be used in ways different than those we anticipate. While our industry should not underestimate the value of a newly minted computer science graduate's enthusiasm, it should also not underestimate the value of a somewhat less enthusiastic, but seasoned, interested and experienced coder.


Y>We do a disservice to users of our software when we encourage coders to leave the field when they become experienced, and force the real superstars into management if they want to advance.

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