Re: Persistent entity streaming (из StarCitizen)
От: Mr.Delphist  
Дата: 09.10.23 17:56
Здравствуйте, Эйнсток Файр, Вы писали:



a technology that allows Star Citizen to dynamically load and unload game entities
ЭФ>based on their distance from the player.
ЭФ>Entities can include anything from ships, players, and NPCs to objects like asteroids and space stations.
ЭФ>The client-side component of PES is responsible for determining
ЭФ>which entities should be loaded and unloaded based on the player's position.
ЭФ>it can put significant strain on both the player's computer and internet connection

Т.е. это Spatial index? Технология не нова — что вызывает такой восторг?
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