Macro that will mimic new from c#
От: Liviu1  
Дата: 23.08.11 21:13
Hi all,

I am coming from a c# world and i am confused by the lack of "new" keyword.
I would like to define a "new" macro that will offer additional functionality, for example: new IMyInterface() => meaning : use some IOC to find an implementation of IMyInterface.

1) A problem is that "new" is reserved keyword and i cannot define a macro for it.

But even if i use another name, "New" for example, the macro compiles ok, but the use of it fails:

F:\Projects\NemerleTests\ConsoleApplication1\CodeGenMacrosTests\Tests.n(19,29): error : parse error near `(...)' group: unexpected end of token sequence
F:\Projects\NemerleTests\ConsoleApplication1\CodeGenMacrosTests\Tests.n(19,29): error : parse error near separator or closing bracket: expecting `(' and some tokens inside
F:\Projects\NemerleTests\ConsoleApplication1\CodeGenMacrosTests\Tests.n(19,19): error : unable to parse syntax rule, stopped at: )
Done building project "CodeGenMacrosTests.nproj" -- FAILED.

namespace CSharp
macro New(typeName : PExpr)
// See: and
syntax ("New", typeName, "(",")")
Macro1Impl.DoTransform(Macros.ImplicitCTX(), typeName)

module Macro1Impl
public DoTransform(typer : Typer, typeName : PExpr) : PExpr

<[ $typeName() ]>

module TestNew
TestNew() : void
def a = New object();// <= ERROR IS HERE BEFORE ()

What am i doing wrong?

Thank you
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