Nemerle statemachine tutorial
От: Liviu1  
Дата: 23.08.11 15:18
Hi all,

I am using the google groups, but this forum is more active.
Is there a tutorial about statemachine features?

although i understand a little bit of russian, it would have been great if the conversations would be in english,
this would help for making the nemerle language more popular...

Re: Nemerle statemachine tutorial
От: Don Reba Канада
Дата: 23.08.11 15:23
Здравствуйте, Liviu1, Вы писали:

L>Hi all,

L>I am using the google groups, but this forum is more active.

L>Is there a tutorial about statemachine features?

As far as I know, there isn't. The library is a very recent development.


L> although i understand a little bit of russian, it would have been great if the conversations would be in english,
L>this would help for making the nemerle language more popular...

You can also ask questions on StackOverflow using the "nemerle" tag.
Ce n'est que pour vous dire ce que je vous dis.
Re: Nemerle statemachine tutorial
От: CodingUnit Россия  
Дата: 23.08.11 15:27
Hello, Liviu1, You said:

L>Hi all,

L>I am using the google groups, but this forum is more active.

L>Is there a tutorial about statemachine features?


L> although i understand a little bit of russian, it would have been great if the conversations would be in english,
L>this would help for making the nemerle language more popular...



Yes, there is a library for Nemerle that help creating UML state machines in code. Nemerle.Statechart, you can see it in sources of language in Snippets\Nemerle.Statechart. This is library can quickly generate effective state machines from DSL in code during compile time.

documentation of library existed only in posts in russian, but you can see some examples and comments in library (see Tests\, Parsing\ParserGrammar.n) in Nemerle.Statechart directory. In some time i hope to make good article and documentation in russian and english of this library.
Re[2]: Nemerle statemachine tutorial
От: Don Reba Канада
Дата: 23.08.11 15:32
Раз находятся заинтересованные в документации на английском, то могу помочь с переводом.
Ce n'est que pour vous dire ce que je vous dis.
Re[3]: Nemerle statemachine tutorial
От: CodingUnit Россия  
Дата: 23.08.11 15:34
Здравствуйте, Don Reba, Вы писали:

DR>Раз находятся заинтересованные в документации на английском, то могу помочь с переводом.

Да это было бы хорошо, планируется статья, и все что было уже опубликовано надо будет скомпоновать в документацию, и перевести, часть я могу сам сделать, но помощь не помешает
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