Re: LinqToSQL error при построение WebApp с Optimization - t
От: _nn_
Дата: 28.03.10 14:23
Здравствуйте, Shame, Вы писали:

S>Один из примеров, ломающих оптимизацию :

S>        public static GetDataString(categoryId : string) : string
S>        {   
S>            if (categoryId!="")
S>            { def res = linq<#from i in _CfgIzmeritel 
S>                    from c in _CfgTypeIzmer
S>                    where i.ID_Izmerit==int.Parse(categoryId)
S>                    where c.ID_TypeIzmerit == i.ID_TypeIzmerit
S>                    select (c.CaptionForTables)#> ; res.ToArray()[0]
S>            } else ""
S>        }

S>error :

S>Ошибка 1 internal compiler error: assertion failed in file ncc\optimization\CFG.n, line 123 C:\Program Files\Nemerle\Nemerle.MSBuild.targets 226 10

S>очень хочется, что бы этой ошибки не было ...

А какие классы ?
У меня тут вообще не компилируется
using Nemerle.Collections;
using Nemerle.Text;
using Nemerle.Utility;
using Nemerle.Data.Linq;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Console;
using System.Linq;

class CfgIzmeritel
  _ID_Izmerit : int;
  _ID_TypeIzmerit : int;

class CfgTypeIzmer
  _ID_TypeIzmerit: int;
  _CaptionForTables : string;

module Program
  public static GetDataString(categoryId : string) : string
    def _CfgIzmeritel = array[CfgIzmeritel(1, 2), CfgIzmeritel(1, 2)];
    def _CfgTypeIzmer = array[CfgTypeIzmer(2, "a"), CfgTypeIzmer(2, "a")];
    if (categoryId!="")
      def res = 
        from i in _CfgIzmeritel 
        from c in _CfgTypeIzmer
        where i.ID_Izmerit == int.Parse(categoryId)
        where c.ID_TypeIzmerit == i.ID_TypeIzmerit
        select (c.CaptionForTables)#> ;
  public Main() : void

Error: each overload has an error during call:
Error: overload #1, "method System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[TSource], predicate : System.Func[TSource, int, bool]) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[TSource]" fail because:
Error: in argument #2 (predicate), needed a System.Func[(CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-)-, int, bool], got (? * ?) -> bool-: ((CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-)- * int) -> bool is not a subtype of System.Func[(CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-)-, int, bool] [simple require]
Error: overload #2, "method System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(source : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[TSource], predicate : System.Func[TSource, bool]) : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[TSource]" fail because:
Error: in argument #2 (predicate), needed a System.Func[(CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-)-, bool], got (? * ?) -> bool-: (CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-) -> bool is not a subtype of System.Func[(CfgIzmeritel- * CfgTypeIzmer-), bool] [simple require]
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